Laws + Ethics of Love

The Laws and Ethics of Unconditional Love
To create Paradise on Earth, we need laws and ethics based on love. This means non-violence, peace and harmony in all aspects of coexistence.
We are referring to unconditional love, the love energy that is given to us by the universe and has no expectations of us. In HAPPY NEW EARTH MAGAZINE we introduce you to the laws and ethics of unconditional love, based on ancient teachings. We’ll show you how you can apply them practically in everyday life. By focusing on and practicing love in your daily life, you begin to experience “Paradise on Earth” or NEW EARTH.
The laws and ethics of unconditional love is part of the UNIVERSAL WISDOM. This was passed on to people by enlightened masters and sages such as Buddha, Jesus, Arjuna, Krishna or Moses. Think of the ten commandments of Moses or the rules of the Torah and the philosophy in the BHAGVAD GHITA. Essentially the message is the same – just with different words and terms – without cultural or religious dogmas.
Experience the power of unconditional love
The universal laws follow the natural laws to which the elements and energies are subject. In all major knowledge traditions, love is considered to be the strongest energy in the universe with the highest vibration. With the power of unconditional love, anything is possible, even moving mountains. Negative things are dissolved by love or transformed into love energy.
The first step is to understand where love energy comes from. All wisdom traditions see the universe, also called God, Creator, Brahman, Allah or Jahve and Ra, as the source of love.

The different aspects of unconditional love
The universe expresses its love in many different ways, for example through all the good things we possess, starting with our good health, power and strength, peace and harmony, freedom, abundance and wealth. Our virtues and talents are also gifts from the universe.
In order to come into unconditional love, it is very important not to take the gifts of the universe for granted, but rather as an expression of unconditional love. We can recognize that love is available to us everywhere and always. We just need to consciously connect with the universe. We do this best by being grateful. According to the universal law of resonance, the universe thanks us too, with even more love energy and gifts.
Think, speak, feel and act in love
Our main task is to transmit the love energy from the universe to every living thing on earth, including the plants, trees, insects, animals and even the non-living objects as everything has a soul.
With our activities, thinking, speaking, feeling and acting, we pass on the love of the universe. Our decisions should always be out of love. Treat yourself and others the way the universe treats you – with unconditional love and without any judgment.
To gain full control over our actions and decisions, we must understand that each of our activities has an energy that brings fulfillment or the opposite. Regular deep meditation is very helpful in acting and deciding correctly. Meditation expands our awareness, allowing us to see the consequences of our actions more clearly and act accordingly for the highest good of all.

Practice non-violence - Always remain peaceful and in love
One of the most important expressions of love is non-violence, which forms the basis of “Paradise on Earth”. We can practice nonviolence in many ways. Nonviolence should be the first rule when we speak and act, but also when we feel and think silently. At first it may be difficult to consciously remain peaceful when something bad or unjust happens. Here, too, regular deep meditation helps you to focus exclusively on love and maintain inner peace.
Live and eat without harming others
Unconditional love also includes not killing other living beings, neither human nor animal. When it comes to our diet, we need to think differently. In general, we should only eat what our body really needs, tolerates and can digest.
The things of everyday life should also be manufactured in such a way that they do not harm any living being and serve the highest good of all. Many things can be recycled from waste products or made from natural sources.

Have loving and peaceful thoughts
Our thoughts shape our reality. That’s why it’s important to align it with love and what we want to experience. These include absolute health, happiness, joy, peace and freedom, abundance, clarity and self-realization. When we mentally focus on these goals, we can dissolve the negative programming that sits deep in our genes and blocks our chakras.
We replace the dark thoughts with confidence and positive, goal-oriented thinking. This requires mindfulness in thinking, which is only possible when we are at peace and can hear our thoughts. In order to keep the focus on love and goals, regular deep meditation is particularly helpful.
Speak in love
Nonviolence in language means speaking gently with the words of love. According to the law of attraction, an atmosphere is created that strengthens love and attracts even more love vibrations.
As with everything, a word also has a certain vibration. We should only use words with high vibrations, such as heaven, paradise, love or happiness. To express the negative, we can learn to say what we would like to experience instead. For example, you don’t have to complain about the weather. We can express that we are happy when the sun is shining. We only exercise constructive criticism by making it clear to the other person what we want. In fact, there are many ways to speak positively. We just have to learn to break away from mainstream language habits that focus primarily on negativity and fear.
It’s best to read books or talk to people who have a high vibration and are always optimistic and positive.

Unconditional love means not judging
Another very important aspect of unconditional love is not judging anyone or any situation, just as the universe doesn’t judge anything. This is an art that enlightened masters have mastered. Buddha embodies the principle of equanimity. This means that we do not get angry when injustice or cruelty occurs, but rather, without inner entanglement and calmly out of unconditional love, we act and help to eliminate the grievances as best we can.
We also have no expectations of a person or an institution. According to Vedic philosophy, it’s all about us acting rightly and out of love. We do not expect anything in return for a service or item. Maybe someone did us a good service in the last lives and now we’re making amends without getting anything in return. In reality, the universe rewards us with unexpected gifts for all our good deeds.
In the end, we don’t know what something was good for, especially in the case of very negative events such as serious illness, death and destruction. According to Vedic philosophy, humanity must have certain experiences in order to develop higher consciousness. This includes experiencing suffering, for example through war or illness. People then come to a point where they do everything they can to avert this suffering, for example by working for peace or focusing on achieving true health.
We practice equanimity no matter what happens. Regular deep meditation helps. We should simply see life as a big game that encourages us to stay centered.

About gratitude for unconditional love
Not every person can feel love and very few people can love unconditionally. In most cases, sad events and trauma preceded it. Many people have closed their hearts for fear of being hurt. In all wisdom traditions, gratitude is an important intermediate step to love.
Gratitude is one of the most important aspects of love and has a very high vibration. We appreciate and value what we receive from the universe, whether it is something material or intangible. It can also be small things, like a smile from another person or a discount that we received unexpectedly. With our gratitude we attract more of what we want. To stay in this vibration, we should be aware of the good things in our life in every moment. This requires mindfulness, which we can only develop in peace.
We can practice gratitude in meditation. At the beginning we can thank you for everything good we have received and achieved in life. This helps us to remain grateful in everyday life.
About Compassion in Love
Compassion is another way to come into love and express it. Instead of judging, we should all learn to feel more compassion, especially for those who don’t have it so easy in life and are therefore not so easy to deal with. Since we all come from the same energy source of the universe, we should better support each other.
By having compassion for all living things, even our enemies, we develop love, which brings us even more love. Practicing compassion raises our vibration and helps others achieve higher consciousness as well.

About forgiveness to love
None of us are infallible. It is a great act of love to forgive ourselves and others, no matter how great the offense.
Love your enemies – that’s what it says in the Bible or in the Bhagvad Ghita, because forgiveness has the strongest power to come into love.
Forgiveness is possible when we understand that in the end we are all here to become the best version of ourselves.
Some may still make serious mistakes along the way and are not aware of the consequences of their actions. But we should never forget that we ourselves make mistakes. By the way, we can only see in others what is active within us, according to the universal law of reflection. Above all, we must forgive ourselves; only then can the energy of love flow freely within us.
Willingness to help as an expression of love
Love is helping others and yourself. We can also help our enemies, directly or indirectly, for example by sending them love, since they clearly don’t have enough of it. The important thing is to recognize when others need help and then help as best we can.
Helpfulness is a virtue that can be practiced in early childhood. This also includes helping our body and mind to regain and maintain balance.

Love yourself
Self-love is the key to fulfillment. Self-love means accepting yourself as you are, with all your strengths and weaknesses. It enables us to understand ourselves as divine beings and to develop freely.
With the transforming power of love, even deep traumas can be dissolved, which is the prerequisite for unconditional love and self-realization. Self-love also includes doing everything you can for your own health.

Always speak the truth
Truth is an energy that allows love to flow. Don’t block the flow of love with lies. In difficult matters, just be diplomatic and don’t say anything that could harm others. When you deceive others, you end up lying to yourself because the negative energy of the lie comes back to you. Each of your actions and decisions has an energy and brings with it a consequence that supports or blocks your fulfillment.
New Earth: The universal laws and ethics of love as a basis for law
It is time to raise the universal laws and ethics of love as official laws. To do this, they must be accepted by governments at the constitutional level. So far this has only been possible in individual communities, such as ashrams, which were founded by enlightened Yoga masters.