Basische Ernährung - Frau mit gesundem Essen

Alkaline Nutrition – Best Way of Eating

The alkaline nutrition includes food items, dishes and drinks with a higher ph and with deacidifying properties, which are essential true health.

Alkaline Nutrition

Your body needs a balanced acid-base ratio to function. This is especially true for your enzymes and hormones, which prefer an alkaline milieu. Your organism has its own deacidification system, which works on several levels. In the blood and liver, acids and acidic metabolic products are buffered with the help of proteins. In the large intestine, the good intestinal bacteria deacidify the acidic residues of our food, while our skin and kidneys remove acids with sweat and urine.

However, the sensitive acid-base system can quickly tip over. The increased acid load in the body leads to typical symptoms and clinical pictures like hyperacidity in stomach or inflammation. The most common causes go hyperacidity are wrong food habits with sour food items or an increased  production of acidic metabolites due to stress. 

Especially in stress, the deacidification of our body is weakened. Another reason for hyperacidity is a lack of essential amino acids and minerals such as magnesium, potassium and calcium, which have an alkaline effect. Also in a disturbed microbiom or an exhausted liver we find the signs of hyperacidity. These are usually the consequences of poor nutrition, constant stress and/or lack of sleep.

By the way, constant excitement and outbursts of anger can also lead to acidity. The irritated nerves trigger an increased release of stomach acid. Over time, the mucous membranes of the digestive tract are getting inflamed. This also harms the good intestinal bacterias. Once the small intestine become chronically inflamed, the mucous membrane is destroyed and get little holes. This is called Leaky Gut Syndrome in Allopathic Medicine. This allows substances to enter the bloodstream, which  trigger a defense reaction in the body. This first leads to food intolerances and later allergies with corresponding symptoms.

In HOLISTIC LIVING and HOLISTIC NUTRITION an Alkaline Nutrition is fundamental. Here in the magazine we introduce you to foods, dishes and drinks with alkaline properties from the ayurvedic tradition. Here you will also find a list of acidic foods, dishes and drinks that you should avoid accordingly, which helps you in your alkaline diet. At the end of this article, you will also find a Selftest, which  shows you, if you are hyperacidic.

Key Alkaline food items, dishes and drinks of Clean Eating

Alkaline Dishes

Alkaline Drinks

Fresh and Healthy Food

Avoid sour food items, dishes and drinks

Selftest Hyperacidity

You suffer from Hyperacidity when …