Bewusster Konsum - Müll

Important! Conscious Consumption – Sustainable and Ethical

Each of us has the opportunity to make a contribution to Nature Care. This includes Conscious Consumption.

Conscious Consumption: Less packaging is more

HOLISTIC LIVING is about thinking and acting consciously, for example to protect our nature. This includes Conscious Consumption. It’s amazing how much our food or other goods are packed, even in organic shops. We are currently experiencing an unbelievable pollution of our planet and the sea. But somehow only little changes are taking place. This problem we have to solve ourselves. Conscious Consumption is about changing habits. 

First of all, leave any packaging at the store. Only then stores and manufacturers understand that conventional packaging is just a waste of money for them. The sellers should be obliged, to take all these packaging as well. Then they will start to change, because it cost their money. 

Conscious Consumption: Less Plastic

It seems pointless, to reduce plastic straws, when at the same time the stores are full of all sorts of plastic junk from Asia. There should be less plastic items. Instead we should buy only plant-based products, which are sustainable and can be easily recycled. This is certainly not possible in all areas, such as medical or technical products, but in daily life we can certainly use more plant-based products.

Conscious consumption starts with everyone of us

Conscious Consumption of plant-based sustainable Products

The range of products made with plant-based materials is enormous. From mushrooms and cactus leather can be produced, from avocado peels we van make straws or other alternative plastic items and banana fibers can be used to make great clothing. Most of these products come from rural regions in Africa, South America or Asia, which have little money for the production of artificial high-tech materials, which are usually not at all or properly recyclable. Conscious consumption of products made from sustainable plant-based materials benefits the nature and also to support poor people and nations.

Conscious Consumption: Products with an ethically correct Background

Always ask yourself, how and under which circumstances a product was manufactured and distributed before it enters our stores. Many goods come from dubious sources from far away, without offering sufficient information about production and trading conditions. Conscious consumption means, that we buy only products, where it is transparent, that they are produced and distributed in an ethical way. This way, we do not longer support the exploitation of people and the destruction of nature and animals.

In particular this means, that everyone involved in a product is treated fair. This starts with working conditions. The workplace must be healthy for the workers and the working hours ideal for every individual. The payment must be fair as well. When it comes to animal products, actually there is need with some exception, like wool or medicinal substances, which are produced by animals like Moschus. 

In any case, the animals must be kept in a species-appropriate environment. We only use, what the animal give to us on free will and under loving circumstances. We should also use materials from death animals, which died of a natural death, such as skins or horns, but in a respectful way. We never buy any goods, where animals where killed. 

When it comes to trading, everyone involved should also be treated and paid fair. To ensure all this, we have no choice, but to buy only from providers, who are transparent. Ideally, the product comes directly from the manufacturer. Conscious consumption means acting for the highest good of all living beings.

Conscious Consumption of Food with clever Distribution

The huge amount of food waste in industrial countries is a bis problem, which can be solved with intelligent urban planning. Food items, dishes and drinks should be offered at one place. Shops and markets should be directly connected to restaurants and central canteens for kindergartens, schools, hospitals or company canteens as well as animal husbandries. 

This way fresh food, which is left over from the sale, can be utilized and consumed better and faster. One example: As fruits are going to waste fast, a store brings these left over fruits to the central canteen, where it can be prepared to compote oder fruit sirup, with a longer durability.

Left vegetables could be cooked to stews and soups and stored in glas jars. This can be given for sale or to supply families and old people who can’t cook for themselves. There are already projects to save food in big cities like the food sharing program, like “Too Good to Go” from Berlin. Mostly students collect food items which are destined to be thrown away from different stores and distribute it to poor people or use it for themselves.