Bewusst Essen mit einem Blumenkohl Salat - Conscious eating with a cauliflower salad

Conscious Eating for Best Health and Energy

Conscious Eating requires lots of awareness for the real needs of your body according to your current state of health, digestion power and ennergy level.

Conscious Eating accordung to your personal needs

HOLISTIC LIVING includes Conscious Eating by eating only, what your body really needs. Observe the signs your body gives you. Here we explain you, how to choose the right food according to your current state of health, digestion power and energy level. 

Conscious Eating: recogniZE your digestion power

Conscious eating is about adaping your food according to your currentdigestion power. Here in tour magazine you will find a SELF TEST for your digestion power. Check your digestion type and then follow the recommendations. If you suffer any disease, you better also consult an experienced holistic physician. In the end, you have to try out for yourself, which food items, dishes and drinks are best for you: Find out, which amount and which kind of preparation is suitable for you. Your nutrition is always right, when you are full of energy and completely healthy. 

Conscious eating: The right preparation of your food

Check out, which kind of preparation is ideal for you. For example, if you suffer from a weak digestion then soft-boiled vegetables are best for you. You also need to experience, which ingredients and amount of food is beneficial for you and what harms you. Overeating is one of the main reasons for digestion problems and obesity. 

Conscious Eating also means, to be aware of the amount of food you have eaten over the day. Even a big amount of healthy meals may be too much for your body. If you feel, you had too much, just skip a meal or take a watery soup instead.

Wie fühlst du dich nach dem Essen -How do you feel after eating?

Photo Pexels by How do you feel after eating?

Conscious Eating: How do you feel after eating?

This question may help you to discriminate between right or wrong food for you. Your mood and emotions reveal, which meal or drink promotes your health and which harms you. You may feel the effect of the meal right after eating or some hours later. Sometimes it takes 24 to 48 hours for you to know, if you digested this meal properly or not. If you are energized and happy after eating, your food was right. 

Conscious Eating: Choose Food which Energizes you

Start to be aware of your feelings while eating and right after. If you feel neutral, this meal is ok for you. If you feel energized, this food is great for you. If symptoms occur or are reoccurring you better avoid that. Very significant is an instant fatigue right after having the meal. If you can’t sleep properly at night, it may be also a sign, that food was not so good for you, especially your dinner. This happens when the meal takes a lot of energy to get digested or irritates your body because of some allergenic substances. A food diary helps you to find out which food items you can digest and tolerate well.

Conscious Eating: Check your tongue before Eating

Check your tongue in the mirror. According to Ayurveda a white coating on the tongue indicates that you have not fully digested your food. Proteins with a complex structure such as the gluten proteins from cereals or milk proteins are particularly difficult to complex carbohydrates like cereals and starch. 

Maldigestion leads to the formation of sticky waste products. They are not only coating the tongue, but also whereever you have weakness in your body like small joints, vessels and heart valves. In order to avoid diseases such as rheumatism or heart attacks, make sure that you only eat what you can digest. Do a little fast with clear soup and ginger unless your tongue is clear.

Your Tongue Tells You About Your Digestion Power

Conscious Eating: Skip a Meal or Fast

There are days when we eat but are not hungry at all. Or we eat even when the last meal still tugs in our stomach. Instead of repeating your eating habits, just skip a meal if you feel your body doesn’t need food now. Conscious Eating means to give our body a Time Out. Exception: Not in underweight or severe disease.

The moment you feel nagging hunger, your metabolism and your digestive power are “on fire”. The body has to mobilize its reserves. First of all, the waste products are burned, the undigested (AMA), which are deposited in the intestines, on the tongue, on small vessels or joints. Also excess fat gets burned. If you have a small or large weight problem this type of small fasting is just right for you. That means staying hungry for an 4-6 hours. If you are heavy overweight, 1-2 days are fine too, provided you drink water diligently. Hot water supports detoxification and fat burning.

Teller mit 3 kleinen Möhren - Fasten für die Gesundheit - Plate with 3 small carrots - fasting for health

Photo Pexels by SHVETS production: Eating consciously means interpreting your body’s signs

Signs of wrong nutrition: Brainfog

May be you experienced a weird mindstate after eating? You feel dump in your head, as if there is a big bell around you, disconnecting you from the outside world. You have problems to find the right words or to remember something, but after some you get clear again? We call that brainfog. It is a consequence of maldigestion, caused by food items, which are difficult to digest like milkproducts or cereals. Conscious Eating is about avoiding such food items. 

No more allergies with Conscious Eating

According to Ayurveda, allergies are caused by maldigestion and food, which can’t be digested or tolerated by the body, like poisonous or synthetic ingredients. Sticky products from maldigestion can be also allergenic for the body, which wants to remove them by activating defense mechanism like inflammation factors and later antibodies. 

Strong reactions are most likely in stressful situations, for example caused by unsolved problems. Holistic Treatment includes conscious eating with a special alkaline diet and supplements with bitter substances and also solutions for the problems. Love heals it all and is the solution for every problem.