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Natural and very effective Detox in 7 Steps

You can easily detox in a natural way. Get practical tipps and ideas from Ayurveda for daily life.

Easy Detox in 7 steps

In HOLISTIC LIVING we take care that our body stays clean. It is not necessary at all, to spend an incredible amount of money or to travel to the other end of the world for a detoxification. Here you will get ideas, how to detox in a natural and very effective way from Ayurveda, the oldest Holistic Health System of mankind. 

Clean your body

In general our body cleanses and detoxify itself. Our organism is a real detox machine when it comes to eliminate metabolic products, excess of acids and toxins. There are several physical levels for detox which range from our intestines to our cells and tissues. We just need to know, where these different detoxification stations are located and keep them intact.

However, if you have lived and eaten unhealthy for quite some time your body own might be overwhelmed and gets literally poisoned. It is not only about the environmental toxins which enter our body through food, air or through the skin, but also waste products of our metabolism. These metabolites are produced by our organism as by-products, which are often acidic and disrupt the acid-base balance.  Another problem are the hormonal derivatives, in particular from our stress hormones. 

If these excessive hormones are not properly removed, they have a very unfavorable effect on our body, mentally and physically, like beings restless. They also inhibit proper cleansing on cellular level. To bring our body back to balance, we need to activate these detox stations by aligning our food habits and activities in daily life to detoxification. 

Detox with rest and dIET

First, we have to take care, not to invite more toxins and acids into our body. This means to avoid stress in the first place. Only in a state of relaxation and joy our body is able to break down all excess stress hormones and metabolic products. A real game changer is a break from routine like a time out or a short trip for a few days, so that the body can reset. Also we need to take care, that the products we are using, like food items, cosmetics, clothes, toys, furniture – almost everything – should be natural and support our detox.

Easy Detox with Nature

Most effective for detox is fresh air in pure nature with lots of greenery and oxygen. The fresh air also contains Prana, our life energy, which has an uplifting effect on our metabolism and the detoxification process. In fact, we should spend at least 1-2 hours in the fresh air every day, preferably in sunlight. If this is not possible, an evening walk is also a good alternative, as we breathe air, which is charged with solar energy from the day.

Easy Detox with a healthy Microbiom

Our good intestinal bacterias do the majority of detox work in our body. Remember, you have billions of friends living in your colon, who eradicate toxins and acids and cleanse our entire intestines. However, we need to feed them well with lots of fibers from fresh and green vegetables, ripe fruits and herbals. 

They are very sensitive and don`t grow under stress. They also don’t tolerate improper nutrition. This is because food items, which are not digested properly, create sticky particles and slugs in our intestines, which suffocate the good bacterias and allow pathogen bacterias to grow, who produce lots of toxins.  If you notice a bad smell of stool and gases and if you suffer from flatulence, you can be sure, that you need an intestinal cleansing and to rebuild your microbiom.  

Find an experienced holistic doctor and do a test on your microbiom which gives information, which type and number of good intestinal bacterias are living in your colon. If some important bacterias are missing, you need to eat yoghurt, but only if you can digest. In addition you need to take probiotics – ideally in capsule form, otherwise the bacterias will suffer from the stomach acid.

Easy Detox by proper cleansing

As said, our bodies is able to cleanse and detoxify itself. This happens primarily through physical secretions such as urine and stool, but also through sweat, tears and nasal secretion. In Ayurveda, bowel movements are considered to be of greatest importance in the process of  detoxification. Ideally we should pass an odorless and formed stool in the morning on daily base, without any need of toilet paper for cleaning. Such a stool indicates complete digestion of our food. 

If you suffer from constipation, it means your food is too difficult to digest for you. You need to switch to easy to digest food items such as boiled vegetables and fruit compote with some spices, which promote digestion. Avoid hard, sticky and solid food like chocolate, bread or cheese. Your body can only detoxify, if you can pass stool every day. You can help your digestion with a little castor oil or magnesium. Best is to consult an experienced holistic physician.

Proper DEtox with good sleep

The cleansing of our blood in the liver only takes place between 10 p.m. and 2-3 a.m. and only while deep sleep. The liver cleanses our blood from toxins, metabolic waste products and hormonal derivates. Best is to sleep around 10 p.m. or earlier. Your sleep will be even deeper, if you go into sleep mode after 5 p.m., which means not to produce stress hormones which makes it difficult for you to fall asleep. 

Avoid everything what excites you like crime thrillers or arguments with friends and family. Do everything what relaxes you like a warm bath or Yoga Nidra. Be sure to eat your last meal before 7 p.m. so that your intestines are free from toxins and products of indigestion. 

Photo Pexels by Andrea Piacquadio

Drink Lots of pure Water

Instead of spending a fortune on expensive detox products and treatments, drink plenty of pure water that is low in minerals. The fewer minerals, the more water enters the cells according to the law of osmosis. Don’t drink tap water in cities, unless the water quality has been tested and is really good. How much water you need to drink, depends on your constitution, your current state of health, your physical activityies and the climate in which you live. 

The amount of water an individual needs ranges between 2-4 liters per day. Find out, which amount is best for you. Drink several glasses of luke warm or hot water in the morning. This way, the metabolic products in the blood and urinary tract, which are produced over night, are washed out. Also consume plenty of liquid foods such as soups and fruits.

Diet with alkaline Food

All Holistic Medicine Systems recommend an ALKALINE DIET with bitter and alkaline food items, teas and nutritional supplements for cleansing the body. The best detoxifiers on earth are Curcuma (Turmeric) and Neem. Mediterranean herbs, rocket and endive salads, artichokes and chicory as well as the bitter gourd Karela from India, also contain many bitter substances. Integrate them into your diet. Alkaline baths with special salts that neutralize acidic substances from your skin also support your detox.