Great Practical Products for Daily Life
HOLISTIC LIVING is about living a healthy life and to prevent diseases. As many of us don’t live in a natural environment, we need special utensils and technical products, which imitate nature. Here we present you very practical Products for Daily Life, for example like water purifier, who bring healthy drinking water to our homes.
Great Practical Products for Daily Life: Grander Water Revitalization Device
In nature, water comes from bubbling springs or flowing water and is exposed to sun and wind. All of this energizes the water, which has a particularly invigorating effect on the organism of every living being. In contrast, the water in cities and residential areas come from far away and accumulates in huge pipes. When it comes out of the tap, it only has a fraction of its revitalizing effect.
To revitalize the water, Johann Grander, the founder, has developed a device, in which the tap water flows through a core, in which a magnetic field. It is either installed directly on the water pipe or installed on the faucet.
Grander water revitalization device - vitalize and energize your water
The GRANDER Water Revitalization Device is out of a slightly magnetized metal housing with an inner chamber, in which is copper water from the source of the copper mine in Jochberg. The devices work without electricity and without chemical additives and are also service and maintenance free.
There are scientific studies on the effectiveness of Grander Water which confirm, that the water is much softer and more dynamic than regular water from the tap. The water activates its self-cleaning powers develops the property to penetrating deep tissue and cells and stimulate metabolic processes like detoxification and purification in the body.
The magnetic impulses of the water also stimulate the immune system. Grander Water tastes better and encourages you to drink more. According to the manufacturer, animals also prefer the revitalized water and plants grow better.
Water is Life
Products for Daily Life: Portable Solar Desalination Water Plant
Water is life. There are too many beings on earth, who have only little or dirty water to drink, because of desertification or wrong water management. Solar Seawater Desalination in a large scale is the solution for water problems all over the whole. It has been estimated, that in 2018, 18,426 desalination plants were in operation in over 150 countries. They produce 87 million cubic meters of clean water each day and supply over 300 million people.
Seawater Desalination is a very old technique, which has been practiced in ancient Egypt, China, India, Greece and Middle East. People found out, that seawater can be filtered to sweet water by using organic filters like bamboo mats or cloth. Later in the Middle Ages, when shipping on long distances were common, they distilled seawater on the boats, to have enough fresh water during their journey. With time, especially during the industrialization, many technologies were developed to produce fresh and pure water.
Between 1960-1980, the first desalination plants were established in the USA, in California and Texas, because of the droughts. Since then, many more plants were build all over the world. For extensive desalination of seawater, lots of energy is required. For this, desalination plants were developed with solar panels, which helps in areas with lots of sun shining and for countries, which are not so rich.
At present, the largest solar desalination plants are found in Saudi Arabia, Israel, Spain, India and in high-populated places like Singapore. Still many people have a lack of fresh water. One of the best Product for Daily Life are Portable Solar Desalination Water Plats, for individuals living at the sea, fishermen or sailors, who need to convert sea water into fresh dinking water like the mobile maschine from Newater.
Another US company named Quench Sea developed a small seawater desalination device, which is low in weight, only 6 kg, easy to handle and low in cost, around 150 Dollars, as well. It works with a unique hydraulic system, which builds up pressure and removes salts from seawater through a reverse osmosis membrane. The device includes an ultra- and microfiltration system with a carbon activated filter, which also remove solids, bacterias, parasites and microplastic from the water. It can produce 4-6 liters of water per hour.

Drawing Mel Be: Depiction of water desalination