Avatars and Guardian Angels: Your very best friends
There is an UNIVERSAL WISDOM, which unites all wisdom traditions of humanity. This includes knowledge of divine beings, such as Avatars and Guardian Angels, who are equipped with the highest energies and help humanity.
Avatars are divine beings in human form such as Buddha, Jesus and Krishna, which are other forms of a particular deity. Angels are independent beings, who carry the highest divine energy. They ensure the order in our cosmos and are the messengers of the Highest. Guardian Angels such as Archangel Michael or Rafael are committed to protect humans. They all act on behalf of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and bring light into the darkness.
Each of the Avatars and Guardian angels has certain characteristics, abilities and powers, which are beyond our imagination. With their powerful energies they can move mountains and solve seemingly insoluble problems. Each of us has a personal team of these celestial beings, who are closely connected to our Higher Self.
If we know, who is in our heavenly team, we can specifically call the entity, to get quick help, protection and support. They are our very best friends, with whom we get and stay connected – not only in times of need, but also to get help in daily life.
To which avatars and guardian angels you are connected with, depends on your origin and culture. Your ancestors created strong connections with certain celestial beings through worshipping for many generations, which you inherited. This can be several beings, also from different religions, but with few beings, you have a very strong connection. Find out, which Angels and Avatars are protecting you.
Photo Kalpana Bandecar: Buddha
Photo Kalpana Bandecar: Gardian Angel
Find your personal Avatars and Guardian Angels
With your divine helpers you can connect at any time and ask them for help, advice and support. Of course, you need to know them. First, take a lock on your family tradition and also consider your personal affinity for certain beings. If you are fascinated by Buddhist teachings for example, but are brought up in a Christian culture, Buddha is also in your team.
Observe which heavenly beings appear to you again and again. This could be in the form of a picture or a sculpture or an image in your dreams. If you have absolutely no idea, which Guardian angels and Avatars are at your side, then get inspired by the divine beings here in our Magazine and do your own research as well. Take a picture or go to a sculpture of a celestial being and look into his/her eyes. Go to certain churches or temples and try to connect with their energy. It’s the right one, if you feel love and a deep connection.
Jesus Christ - The Avatar of Love
In all wisdom traditions, Jesus Christ is recognized as the Messiah, who brings light and love. Like the Avatar Buddha, he came at a time, when people desperately needed help and guidance. His energy is also called Christ energy and is the pure energy of unconditional love. The main message of Jesus Christ is unconditional love and its practical applications in daily life. The miracles Jesus performed, such as bringing the dead back to life, healing serious diseases, or turning water into wine, show us the enormous power of love.
Jesus also teaches, that each of us is capable of creating our dream life. We just have to believe and align our words, thoughts, feelings and actions towards our goals and love. In Vedic teachings, Jesus is seen as an Avatar of the God Vishnu, who protect the earth. He is also thenext descendant of the Avatar Krishna, who also is an Avatar of Vishnu.
Krishna - The First Avatar of Love
Krishna is the pure energy of unconditional love. Krishna also embodies earthly love and sensuality and shows the power love has over evil. According to Vedic mythology, Krishna is an Avatar of Vishnu, one of the three main energies called Brahma and Shiva, who sustain the universe. He is said to have lived in the 4th millennium before Jesus. Even as an infant, he was self-realized and saw himself as part of the universe. He used his power and love energy to save and improve the world. For this reason, Krishna is considered to be an example of self-realization in highest perfection.
The Mahabharata, one of the most importantVedic books, is dealing with cosmic history and universal laws. Here we find the story of Krishna, who was a king and had to oversee a war between two rival families. He entrusted his wisdom of self-realization and the universal laws to his charioteer Arjuna, who recorded this knowledge in writing the Mahabharata. Krishna makes clear, that the power of the universe resides in every person and that unconditional love is the strongest of all energies and can resolve all conflicts and heals everything.
Buddha - The Avatar Of Enlightenment
Buddha means “The Awakened One”. He carries the energy of unconditional love, compassion and purity and developed a teaching, which gives precise instructions, how to achieve enlightenment. This teaching is called Buddhism and is now practiced worldwide. According to the Vedic scriptures, the Buddha, like Jesus Christ, is considered an Avatar of Vishnu. In his eight-fold path, Buddha teaches how thinking, feeling, speaking and acting can be aligned with unconditional love. According to Buddhist teachings, we will be born again until we are pure love.
Photo Kalpana Bandecar: Buddha
Guardian Angel in Emergency: Archangel Michael
If you need immediate help, call Guardian Angel and Archangel Michael. His extraordinary power allows even to move mountains and stars. Michael is considered to be the most important Angel in Christian and Jewish mythology. He is closest to the highest energy source of the universe. Together with Uriel, Raphael und Gabriel, he belongs to the four Seraphim, who are always next to God. He ensures justice and ethics and decides, who enter the heavenly spheres. Sometimes he fights with dark creatures like Lucifer in the form of a dragon with his gigantic sword.
Archangel Michael is considered to be the protector of mankind. He helps to survive in dangerous situations and leads the death back to their original source.
Photo Kalpana Bandecar: Archangel Michael
Guardian Angel of Light: Archangel Raphael
Guardian Angel Raphael carries the energy of healing. You can call on him, if you or someone else, is suffering from a disease. His energy also represents transformation and renewal. It helps to expand our consciousness and get into self-realization as well. He is also the mediator of holistic divine medicine and holistic science. His symbol is the staff of Aesculapius, a snake-encircled stick, which has been a symbol of medicine for thousands of years, and is still used today in medicine and pharmacy.
Guardian Angel of Light: Archangel Uriel
The light energy from Guardian Angel Uriel help us manifest our visions. It dissolve even solid blockages, which are necessary for a successful realization of our dreams. Besides, he empowers and bring self-confidence to everyone, who is connected to him. He is called the light of God, which symbolically supports to achieve enlightenment. Archangel Uriel is the guardian of the material world and divine order. He represents the energy of wisdom in recognizing the universal laws and unconditional love in speech, thoughts, feelings and actions.
Guardian Angel of Purity: Archangel Gabriel
The Archangel Gabriel is well known for his purity and spirituality, so it makes sense to invoke him before any meditation. It also ensures fertility, growth and rebirth. You can connect with his energy for the procreation and protection of your unborn child during pregnancy. He is also seen as the angel of proclamation and bringer of good news, important insights and visions. He appeared to Virgin Mary and told her about her pregnancy with Jesus Christ.
Photo Kalpana Bandecar: Heavenly angels
Photo Kalpana Bandecar: Mary