Holistic Food Products: Clean and Natural
In HOLISTIC NUTRITION we use Holistic Food Products, which are fresh and natural with a high content of valuable nutrients, vitamins, minerals and bioactive substances. The products are free of chemical additives and are produced in a natural and sustainable way. Holistic Food Products are manufactured and harvested under fair conditions for producers, transporters and sellers and do not harm any living being. This good and pure vibe will be in the food and has a healing effect on us.

Photo Mel Be: Healthy and freshly squeezed Sugar-Cane-Lime-Shot
Special Holistic Food Products: Spirulina and Chlorella Algae
When it comes to Holistic Food Products, Algae are the first choice. There are two types of algae, from which humans benefit the most: Spirulina and Chlorella. They contain a particularly high number of nutrients and minerals as well as bioactive substances, which stimulate metabolism, have a cleansing and detoxifying effect, build up body tissue and cells, nourish intestinal bacterias, strengthen immunity and counteract cancer and inflammation. Because of their different ingredients and quantities it makes sense to consume both algae daily.
Special Holistic Food Products: Spirulina Algae
The Aztecs already valued the nutrient-rich Spirulina algae as a staple food. They are also known as Microalgae or Blue-algae, because they contain the blue pigment Phycocyanin, which has a strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. They are also rich in Chlorophyll, which not only feeds our good intestinal bacterias, but has also anti-cancer effects.
Spirulina algae are highly alkaline and grow only in fresh and salt water lakes with a high pH of 9-10. They are native to Australia, Southeast Asia, Africa and Central America, where they served the population as a source of food and nutrients for centuries. There are around 35 species. From all, Spirulina platensis is mostly cultivated in aquaculture. Here Spirulina algae is considered as a dietary supplement and is available in dried form as powder, capsules, tablets or pellets in drugstores, organic markets or directly from the manufacturer on the Internet.
The Spanish company Ecospirulina in the Serra Calderona National Park near Valencia, grow algae in aquacultures with clear water, which contains high minerals. They are harvested early in the morning, when the bioactive ingredients such as Chlorophyll have the highest concentration, which ensures the best quality. The algae are then gently dried out for 1-2 weeks and then sold fresh.
The Spirulina algae are also real protein bombs. When dried, they contain 60 percent proteins, including essential amino acids like leucine, tryptophan, methionine, phenylalanine, lysine, thionine, isoleucine and valine, which our body can’t produce itself and has to be supplied through food. Spirulina also contains also many non-essential amino acids, such as cysteine, histidine, proline, tyrosine, glycine, serine, arginine, alanine, asparagine and glutamate, which are required to build and restore our body cells.
Spirulina is also an excellent source of iron and copper, but also contains potassium, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, magnesium and sodium as well as many B vitamins such as biotin, folic acid, pantothenic acid, B12, B6, B1, B2, B3, Vitamin E and A. There are also secondary plant substances like alkaloids, terpenoids, steroids, saponins, phenols and flavonoids, which activate the metabolism and also have a highly cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect.
On top of that, Spirulina algae are also rich in unsaturated fatty acids such as omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, which are necessary for for normal growth and development and our brain and nerve functions. They also promote healthy skin and hair growth, bone density and fertility.
Special Holistic Food Products: The Green Chlorella Algae
Chlorella are freshwater algae. The main species, Chlorella vulgaris, is cultivated worldwide. Chlorella algae grow best in temperatures between 30° and 38° Celsius. They generally tolerate colder climates, but then hardly grow or stop growing. An important factor for growth is natural sunlight. Only then the algae can produce vitamins, minerals and bioactive substances
The chlorella algae from the company FLÜGELSCHWINGER are cultivated in southern Mongolia in the purest water, where there is a lot of sun for a few months. Another manufacturer of chlorella and spirulina is based in Portugal. The company Allma is one of the largest manufacturer of microalgae, which also grow in sunlight.
Like Spirulina, Chlorella is an incredibly good food item, but contains more Chlorophyll than any other plant. The Chlorophyll cleanses and detoxifies the liver to the highest degree and also serves as the best source of nutrition for the good intestinal bacteria. The cell wall of Chlorella contains other extraordinary substances, such as the cell-protecting and detoxifying Carotenoids like Lycopene, Glycoproteins, Glutathione and Sporopollein.
All these wonderful ingredients strengthen the immune system by activating the production of macrophages (phagocytes) and T-lymphocytes, which destroy infected and degenerated cells in the body. Chlorella also provides more than 30 fatty acids, which give stability of the cell walls and also kill parasites, harmful bacteria and viruses.
The algae also contain a lot of oleic acid, which protects the vessels. In contrast to Spirulina, Chlorella does not contain iodine, but all other vitamins and minerals, especially potassium. The daily amount is 4g, but 10g is also possible, according to individual tolerance.
Holistic Food Products: Himalaya Rock Salt
The so-called Himalayan salt belongs to the very precious HOLISTIC FOOD PRODUCTS. It originates from the salt mines in the north of the Punjab province in Pakistan. The “Salt Ranges”, with their highest mountain “Sakaser”, are geologically and geophysically classified as part of the Small Himalayas. The pink colored salt is sea salt, which is crystallized hundreds of millions of years ago.
It was deeply covered with lava, snow and ice and thus remained protected from pollution. For this reason, Himalayan salt is the purest salt on earth. It is hand-picked from the mountains and is available all over the world since many years.
Himalayan salt is a natural product and does not contain anti-caking agents such as sodium aluminosilicate or magnesium carbonate. Himalayan salt was naturally formed from solid minerals and elements including sulfate, magnesium, calcium, potassium, bicarbonate, bromide, borate, strontium and fluoride. It contains less sodium chloride, but more minerals and trace elements. Because it tastes saltier, less salt is needed to achieve the same flavor.
Himalayan rock salt is now available in many supermarkets, organic shops and health food stores as well as online from different companies such as Organic India or Naturaplaza.
Special Holistic Food Products: The Almighty Turmeric Power
Curcuma powder is definitely one of the most important HOLISTIC FOOD PRODUCTS for humans. This spice contains many excellent bioactive substances such as Curcumin and Gingerol, which cleanse and detoxify the organism and activate digestion and metabolism. The highly potent Curcumin has antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects and counteracts thrombosis and allergies. It is one of the most powerful deacidifying and hemostatic food items, regulates sugar and fat metabolism and stimulates the flow of bile.
The Austrian company Sonnentor works directly with local farmers, but they also maintain a personal relationship with farmers from all over the world. The quality is very high and the production and trading is ethical and fair. Turmeric powder is grown in India, Sri Lanka or Madagascar. Excellent turmeric powder is also available from Organic India, which is also exclusively produced in an organic-sustainable and fair way.
Ideally, 1-2 teaspoons of turmeric powder are consumed daily, but only after heating in ghee, to activate the Curcumin. The ghee mixture can be mixed into tea or food.