The secrets of Holistic Education
HOLISTIC LIVING includes a Holistic Education. From a holistic perspective its not an education, but rather accompaniment and support of a child. Your duty as a parent or a teacher is to help the child to discover his/her nature, abilities, skill and talents and to find his/her destiny in life, also called Dharma in Yoga. Your part is also to introduce him/her to the various aspects of love and to the universal virtues.
If you received a good education, you can easily support your child. If your childhood was problematic, now you have the opportunity to do it the right way. The easiest way to raise a child is to follow the universal recommendations of the wisdom traditions, which focus on unconditional love in all aspects of life. Here we present the universal educational recommendations for education of the Vedic Tradition of Yoga.
Holistic Education: Accept your child's nature
Make sure that you take into account his/her stage of development and do not overwhelm him/her with expectations. Also consider your child’s constitution while educating and accept certain issues, that may be part of his/her nature, such as impatience or sluggishness. According to the law of balance, you can take actions to encourage your child to develop opposite characteristics, for example with patience games or dynamic activities in nature such as hiking or swimming. It is important that your child feels accepted in his or her nature.
Holistic Education: Support your child in developing skills and talents
We all have our purpose on earth. Your duty is to support your child in developing his/her skills and talents and to guide him/her into his/her destiny which is absolute individual. This means giving him/her space and time to experience where his/her life journey will go. That’s Perfect Parenting.
Holistic Education: cultivate Unconditional Love
In everything you do, love must come first. There is never enough love between you and your child, especially in the first years of life. True love is a deep bond which will never end. Real love is never intrusive, but a constant companion. Above all, it is unconditional. Show your child/ren love even when he/she/they annoy you or do something wrong. Your constant love strengthens his/her/their basic trust and faith in this world and let him/her/them become independent and courageous. This is true Holistic Education.
Love is the Strongest Energy, which Heals all
Holistic Education: Sometimes "time-out" helps
If your child is still rebellious and or is under the influence of bad company, then a fresh start is necessary. It can be extremely effective to give your child a break from the routine A time-out like a vacation, with a lot of quality time with you or other family members, who have a good influence, allow miracles to happen. If necessary get your child out during schooldays, before frustration on both sides grows too much or depression develops in your child. Get help from an experienced holistic doctor who also attests a sick leave if necessary.
Holistic Education: Send love energy to your child
If nothing works, just send your child love from afar. You can do this during your meditation or throughout the day. You will see, your love energy reaches your child’s heart and brings him/her back to you and on the right path.
Holistic Education: Get your child into Meditation
As early as possible your child should learn to connect with the universal energies. He/she should know about the techniques of Meditation to get unlimited access to the life energies as love, power, abundance, health and clarity. Look for an experienced Yoga teacher for children. Meditation is recommended at the age of 8 years, but I also know some younger children who meditate like Yogis, who they must have been in previous lives.
The type and duration of the Meditation depends on the interest and consciousness level of your child. If he/she can concentrate. Meditation is an individual matter and may be your child develops an ow technique. If he/she cannot sit or keep his/her eyes closed, she/he has to learn to concentrate first. Start with some creative activities such as handicrafts or painting where he/she learns to focus on one activity. Your child can perform a walking meditation and/or listen to guided meditations for children. A daily routine for children also helps to get more mindful.

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Holistic Education: Cultivate Gratitude
Gratitude is the preliminary stage of unconditional love. Just perform an evening ritual with your child where you remember all the good things from the day and in his/her life and express gratitude for it. Explain that if he/she is grateful for what he/she has been given by nature and the universe, he/she will get much more according to the universal laws.
Holistic Education: Tell Love stories
Your child needs to know that love heals everything. Foremost your child should know that love comes from the universe not from people. Tell him/her that the soul is made out of the same material like the universe. Explain that he/she is part of the universe and that the love energy is already in her/him. He/she just needs to focus on love while Meditation and/or practice love in daily life while speaking, thinking, feeling and acting.
To teach the power love in former times, fairy tales were told to children. In these stories love wins over the evil, but mostly they are too cruel for the sensitive soul of a child. Today we have other possibilities. There are story books with loving contents. Explain him/her the different expressions of love as well as the many ways the universe supplies us with love. Also describe the ways human beings exchange love. Use practical examples, tell stories from your life or invent a story. Also explain the opposite of love. This is, what perfect parenting is about.
Keep your child away from things which are the opposite of love. All media should be supporting love in all aspects. Also make sure that he/she has lovable and peaceful friends, who want to realize themselves. Most children are already conscious and feel and act out of love and compassion for other beings. Also don’t support competitive thinking and pressure like in many sports.

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Holistic Education: Always be an good example
Your child will always imitate you. You cannot preach water and drink wine, especially when it comes to ethical behavior. You have to be a good example. Here are a few examples of how you can teach your child and practice love in daily life.
Holistic Education: Cultivate Selflove
Your child needs to know all about selflove, which starts with living healthy. Be a good example and practice selflove yourself being a mother or a father. Follow a daily routine, where you take time for your body by healthy and holistic activities. Celebrate eating by choosing only the best food for yourself and your child as a form of selflove. Also prepare and cook your meals together and show your child what selfcare means. This way your child will get an idea about practising selflove in daily life.
Support your child in integrating a daily routine according to his/her individual physical and mental needs. This includes enough time for rest and sleep or activities which support health. Tell your child about his or her nature and physical and mental strong and weak points. Find out, what energizes him/her. Same time find out, what is weakening and disturbing and need to be avoided.
Strengthen your Child in their Self-Love
Holistic Education: Cultivate Non-Violence
Be always peaceful and loving in words, actions, emotions and thoughts to others and yourself. If you feel hate and anger or think in a aggressiv way, violent energy is created, even if it is invisible. This has a negativ effect on you and your environment. If you do something against your belief just to please others you may create destructive energies which make you ill.
Teach your child that he/she should only do what he/she really wants. Also tell him/her to align in love in all aspects of live. Practice also non-violent communication in your family too. The more peaceful you are as parents, the more peaceful your child will be.
Holistic Education: Cultivate Tolerance
Another way of expressing love is to tolerate other people’s opinion or their way of living as long as his/her behavior and actions does not harm others and themselves. Intolerance is common in people with low self-esteem. It is an expression of fear of the unknown. Analyse with your child if he or she holds any intolerances, which are mostly adapted from friends and family without checking the facts.
Holistic Education: Cultivate Compassion
Practise compassion with those who have a lower consciousness. Those who are acting violent or negative like lying, betraying and stealing experienced less love in life and also don’t know where to get it. These are poor souls which need to be understand. That does not mean that your child has to invite „bad guys“ into his/her life. Just help her/him in understanding that in some people love is missing, which is the main reason for their destructive actions and words. In future your child will deal much better with such people no matter if they are in same age or older.
Holistic Education: Accept the free will of your child
Accept free will of a person, even the will your child. Every soul on earth came for a reason and for experiences. This may include also taking drugs. Don’t condemn or punish your child. Just be there for him/her if he or she needs help. Don’t judge. Practice unconditional love. Explain your child how life is working and some things like drugs give good feelings for a short time. Instead encourage your child to meditate, which connects him/her with the universal love and freedom.

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Holistic Education: Cultivate Equanimity
Do not judge. Buddha, the master of equanimity, recognized that everything is right as it is, even if it looks unfair or bad at first sight. A cancelled appointment can cause anger in your child, but this may have saved him/her from a serious accident. Also don’t pass negative comments on the weather when it suddenly rains, because this may be a blessing for Mother Earth and the vegetable and fruit plants, which you are eating from.
Holistic Education: Teach Mindfulness
Remind your child that everything he or she says, does, thinks and feels is amplified by the universe and sooner or later becomes his or her reality. Practice mindfulness in behavior, speaking, thinking and feeling yourself. Help your child staying focussed on unconditional love and his/her goals in life by activities, beliefs thoughts and emotions.
Holistic Education: Cultivate Generosity
The universe is not only generous but also lavish. If you see a tree or a flower, it has not only a few leaves but plenty of them. Children are generous from birth, just like the universe. Encourage your child to let the universal energies, including money, flow through him/her without resistance. This is the only way the universe provides us with more of these energies. That does not mean to waste money for nonsense.
Teach your child to be mindful and spend money for anything which helps or brings him/herself and others joy and multiplies love. Donate money, clothes or toys to an orphan’s home or to an animal shelter.
Holistic Education: Cultivate Forgiveness
Generosity also includes forgiving others and yourself. After all, we all are not free from making mistakes unless we are enlightened. According to the law of reflection we get our own mistakes mirrored through others. If your child is mad at someone find out if he/she made the same mistake in the past.
Holistic Education: Cultivate Honesty
Children are fundamentally honest by nature. It is also said that the mouth of a child reveals the truth. They have a strong sense of truth until the day they find out that society works different. There are also parents who encourage their children to lie or who are not too specific about the truth. Dishonesty begins on a small scale, for example, when a saleswoman gives more money by accident and you accept it. Always set a good example, your child will follow you.
Holistic Education: Keep your word
Every spoken word has power and a corresponding effect. Think carefully about what you say and promise. Buddha already taught that we should never make promises when we are excited or depressed. Under the influence of strong emotions, one can quickly be tempted to make promises that cannot be kept because circumstances have changed. This leads to disappointment and also leads your child to be unconscious with his/her words and promises. Set a good example here too.

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Learn from children
Times have changed. There are not such things like the elders or parents are always right and know it all. We should listen to kids, especially if they come up with some bright ideas for a better world. Since 2012 many souls are coming to help Mother Earth and Humanity to get into higher consciousness. They have revolutionary ideas about generating energies or healing of severe diseases. Be open for their visions and concept and learn from them, no matter if they are your own children or from others. This is how we create NEW EARTH.