Holistic Health Care is a lifephilosophy
A HOLISTIC LIVING involves focusing on health in all activities of daily life. It is part of the holistic lifephilosophy to stay happy and healthy and to treat any signs of illness right from the beginning.
In Holistic Health Care for treatment we use everything what nature has to offer, starting from healing plants, sunbath or water therapy or nutrition. Here you will get lots of suggestions and recommendations on how you can take care of your health in a holistic way on a daily base even in stressful times.
Holistic Health Care in daily life
In many countries around the world, especially in Asia and the Arab nations as well as among indigenous peoples, it is part of the tradition and practically part of the culture to maintain healthy at all costs. We can learn a lot from these people.
Ayurveda, which is the oldest holistic health system, going back thousands of years in India, recommends to work with sounds for treatments, such as the recitation of healing mantras, which act on the CHAKRAS, our energy centers. Since ancient times, people in Japan believe energetic workout like Jiu Jitsu or Thai Chi, despite their high workload or regularly go to steam baths to relax after work.
Holistic Health Care : Body, Mind and Soul are One
From a holistic perspective, we are healthy when body, mind and soul are in harmony with each other. That means In all major holistic health systems such as Ayurveda, Oriental and Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tibetan and Arabic Medicine primarily the cause of a disease is treated. This means, disorders on the physical, mental and soul level are treated at the same time.

Thai Chi, a way to bring body, mind and soul into harmony
Holistic Health Care: Mental balance is most important
In this sense, mental balance is the most importan for true health. Most mental disorders are caused by Karma, i.e. trauma from previous lives or genetic inheritance from ancestors. If left untreated, they are passed down from one generation to the next. Every generation has the chance to dissolve it. In Holistic Health Care there are many different methods and individual therapies, which are beyond conventional medical remedies
Holistic Health Care with various Natural Treatments
The treatments in Holistic Health Systems are usually a mix of natural remedies such as herbs, spices and minerals, an individualized special diet, along with various exercises for body and mind. There are many traditional techniques to treat on soul level, which take us to different dimensions. For example, in shamanic traditions, the ancestors are contacted and are asked for help and guidance. This could be in form of a ritual dance or chanting to get into trance.
Honestly, there is nothing more cleansing and energizing than a walk in the nature. There is lots of Prana in the fresh air. Prana means universal life energies that emanate from plants, trees and water. Wherever the sun shines, energy is generated, stored and passed on to the environment. Wherever it is green, oxygen is also produced via photosynthesis. After a long day at work indoors, this ingenious mix of solar energy and oxygen is the very best, even when it’s already dark outside.
Holistic Health Care with Love
The root cause of an imbalance of body and/ or mind is mainly missing love and a lack of proper selflove. For this reason, in Holistic Health Care healing is all about love, as love heals everything. Everyone who wants to get well or stay absolutely healthy should know about the real source of love and connect with the universal love energy.
For healing and developing true health living unconditional love is most important. For this we need proper guidance, which is part of Holistic Health Care. In all Holistic Health System Meditation is taught to patients, which help to relax and to connect to the healing universal energies. But also in daily life, we can practise love by helping others or just by being good to ourselves and others. Pets, like dogs and cats can help us to develop unconditional love, because most of them are already in that state.
A loving hug can work wonders and be balm for the soul
Natural Remedies in Holistic Health Care
In Holistic Health Care, everything nature has to offer, is used for prevention and as medicine. The spectrum ranges from herbs and spices to nutrition and activities of daily life, such as a walk in nature, sleeping or sporting activities and Meditation. What we need to stay healthy varies from person to person.
Many times we follow our intuition, in other things we still have to learn. Remedies such as herbs, spices and minerals are used in holistic health care for prevention and not only after an illness or symptom has occurred. The idea behind is, to provide the body with all vital substances that our organism continually consumes, before a deficiency arises, which may lead to an illness.
Individualized Diet in Holistic Health Care
In Holistic Health Care every person or being is seen as an individual. Therefore, there is no such thing as one right diet for all. Food items need to be individually adjusted to the basic needs of a person. When selecting food, dishes and drinks, we look at our current digestion power and health situation and adjust our food to the seasons and our living conditions as well.
From a holistic perspective, an alkaline diet with fresh, high-quality plantbased food items, which includes lots of herbs and spices with bioactive substances, is the perfectly balanced nutrition. On this basis, we can modify our food according to our personal needs, which also includes the consumption of animal products, if really necessary for our health.
Holistic Health Care: Healthy Activities according to our Personal Needs
Our activities should also fit our needs, especially according to our current health situation. In Holistic Health Care exercises are chosen individually. This also applies to the extend of exercising. For example, if you are exhausted, you should perform light exercises rather than going beyond your limits, even if you mind wants to. What we really need is nature and fresh air. Therefore, activities in nature such as hiking and walking are always right. Deep breathing and breathing exercises are always part of Holistic Health Care.
Holistic Health Care: Take a Time Out
Holistic Health Care includes to take good care of yourself as an expression of selflove. That is why sometimes a Time Out is best to restore your health. Since we are experiencing an overload of sensory stimuli these days, it is also very important, to frequently rest. Mental exercises like Meditation are most effective to come down, but also regular warm baths are highly effective. The ancient Greeks, like the Japanese today, knew that bathing in warm water release all stress from the body and brings deep relaxation.

Photo Pexels by RDNE Stock project

Photo Pexels by Tirachard Kumtamon
Holistic Health Care: Healthy Living in with like-minded People
For our well-being and our health it is also important to know, where is our place. That is why living in communities with other people, who are like minded, is so incredibly important for health. We all need time for ourselves, but we also need to connect with others, which is a form of love. Above all, we need a home, that allows us to ground ourselves and to receive energy from the earth, that keeps us physically healthy as well.
Holistic Health Care: Follow your destiny
We can be only healthy, when we recognize the meaning of our life and follow our destiny. In Holistic Health Care we are guided to find and unterstand our have a mission here on earth. What exactly depends, which our personal skills and talents we have. This mission gives us the drive in life and a lot of energy. The earlier we know, what is meant for us, the better. In Holistic Health Care, horoscopes or palm leaf readings are part of the therapy. In the end, our mission is to distribute the love, we receive from the universe, to all beings on earth, in our unique ways.
Holistic Health Care: More Holistic Doctors and Therapists
In earlier times in China and India, the doctor was only paid if his patient remained healthy. We should return to this ideal. However, this will be only possible with more holistic doctors. You consult the doctor when you are feeling well or the first symptoms appear in order to counteract the development of a disease in a natural way. It’s time, that doctors learn and practise Holistic Health Care, especially with focus on prevention of diseases.
Holistic Health Care with Natural Therapies
Holistic Health Care with a healthy microbiom
Living a healthy lifestyle means keeping our microbiome, the good bacterias in our intestines, in balance. Our intestinal bacteria do everything for us: they form digestive enzymes, produce precursors of immune factors and hormones and clean, detoxify and deacidify the intestines. In all Holistic Health Systems, a healthy microbiom is most important in maintaining health.
The key to a healthy gut is a proper individualized nutrition, which consists of foods, dishes and drinks, which we personally can tolerate and digest. When digestion is incorrect, toxins and acids are formed, which have a pathogenic effect and kill our good bacterias. Experienced and holistically oriented Nutrition Specialists can tell you, which food is best for you. Mostly it is the traditional diet from your anchestors.
Holistic Health Care: Prevention of Diseases with Detox
Holistic Health Care is about prevention of diseases. That is why regular Detox is always part of the treatment. Nowadays you get Detox products and treatment packages at almost every place in the world. Some are really costly. Here you get some ideas, who to Detox on a regular base:
You host billions of real good intestinal bacterias. You need to feed them well with lots of fibers, fresh and green vegetable and fruits. The good bacterias dissolve toxins and acids in your intestines and clean the mucose membrane. Consult an holistic physician to check your microbiom. If needed he can also prescribe probiotics to you. Inform yourself which food is best for you and your bacterias.
Early mornings your body is clearing all waste from your body. Take time for this holy procedure daily. Two glasses of hot water after getting up helps to move the bowls. If you suffer from obstipation you have to change your food habits. For this check ideal food for weak digestion power.
Your liver is cleaning your blood from toxins and waste products of your metabolism like acids and hormones. The detox capacity is best between 10pm and 2-3am but only when you sleep deep. Check liver time. To support your liver go to bed around 10pm or earlier and have dinner around 6-7pm. Also improve your sleep by slowing down your activities after 7pm. Check getting sleep easy.
Instead of spending a fortune for costly detox products and treatments better drink lots of pure water with only a small amount of minerals. Less the minerals let the water flow into the cells according the law of osmosis. Don’t drink tap water until you have the proof that the quality is good. The amount of water for you ranges between 2-6 liter according to your constitution and current state of health. Try out which amount is best for you. Also have liquid food like soups and fruits who will also supply you with water.
All holistic natural medicine systems recommend bitter and alkaline food items, teas and supplements to clean the body. Best purifiers are curcuma (turmeric), Neem and many other herbals and spices. Rucola (rocket salad), Endivien salad, artichokes and chicory and Karela from India contain also lots of bitter substances. Check properties and effects of food and properties and effects of herbs and spices and integrate them into your food on a daily base.

Stay healthy through foods that are good for your body