Holistic Diet: Nutrition is an individual matter
In HOLISTIC LIVING the proper nutrition plays a major role. the right nutrition is also part for treatment of diseases in Holistic Medicine. By Holistic Nutrition includes a natural diet with food, which is produced ideally without harming any living beings and ideally comes from ethical sources, fair trade and distribution.
Holistic Nutrition: Easy to digest
Which food is best for a person depends primarily on the current health and digestive strength of the individual. One of the highest principles of Holistic Nutrition is to select only food items, dishes and drinks, that the body tolerates and digest. Our DIGESTION POWER, which includes digestive juices and digestive enzymes, is largely genetically determined by the eating habits of our ancestors over many generations.
Follow the food habits of your anchestors
We can also follow the food habits of our ancestors, if this food is digestible for us. We have to take into consideration, that we have less physical exercise than our anchestors. We must also take into account, that many food items today are different in quality and are more difficult to digest, in particular cereals or animal products, due to genetic modifications, breeding and cultivation conditions for maximum yields.
Holistic Nutrition: preventive and healing
Thousands of years people came to know that food is medicine. In all holistic health systems such as Ayurveda and Chinese, Tibetan, Japanese and Arabic or European Naturopathy, nutrition is the most important factor in maintaining health. This is because all food items, including herbs and spices, have certain properties and effects, that can be used to prevent but also cure diseases. The experiences and observations of the major health systems form the basis for Holistic Nutrition, which is healthy, preventative and healing at the same time.
Natural, Healthy and Individual
The Holistic Cuisine: nourishing and strengthening with Superfoods
In Holistic Nutrition food and drinks should contain all vital nutrients, vitamins, minerals and trace elements as well as plenty of bioactive substances. This applies to superfoods like nuts, kernels and seeds, herbs and spices, cereals and cereal alternatives, fruits and vegetables and lentils. This also includes animal products, provided the animals give their products voluntarily. The Holistic Cuisine is nourishing and strengthening with Superfoods.
The Holistic Cuisine: Balanced Eating
In Holistic Nutrition the selection of food is based on the universal law of balance. This means preventive use of food items, dishes and drinks, whose properties have the opposite effect to potential causes of disease, such as hyperacidity caused by stress and acidic foods. That’s why Holistic Cuisine contains many bitter substances that are found in herbs, spices and certain vegetables. They counteract and prevent inflammation and promote digestion.
Cleansing, Detoxification and Deacidification with Holistic Nutrition
Most food items in Holistic Nutrition also have a cleansing and detoxifying effect, either directly through a high content of bioactive substances or indirectly through building and maintaining our Microbiom. Holistic Health Systems consider the state of good intestinal bacteria as a measure of true health.
After all, the intestinal bacterias, whose number of cells is much higher than our own body cells, provide us with vital enzymes and substances that strengthen our immune system and certain hormones or precursors. They have cleansing functions and play a large part in detoxification and purification of our body.
Therefore, the Holistic Diet is about feeding our good intestinal bacteria with fresh plant-based food, just like the bacterias love it. Holistic cuisine means cleansing, detoxification and deacidification with food on a daily base.
Holistic Nutrition: Eating with the Seasons
For thousands of years, people have developed traditional dishes and drinks with food items and preparations, that counteract the physical effects of extreme weather. For this regional products, which only grow at a certain time, are used. Nature is so intelligent that it provides us with everything we need to stay in balance. We should switch back to more traditional dishes in our diet. Since most people no longer need meat and other animal products to survive, it makes sense to modify traditional dishes and prepare them primarily with plant-based ingredients.