Ganzheitliche Ernährung für Kinder

Holistic Nutrition for Children: Very Individual and Superhealthy

We have many options to support our children’s health and happiness. When it comes to holistic nutrition for children, food, dishes and drinks are selected individually according to the individual physical and mental needs of a child and his/her current state of health.

Holistic Nutrition for children: What is the best nutrition for my child?

You have probably asked yourself: What is the best nutrition for my child? The answer can be only given on an  individual base. HOLISTIC LIFESTYLE is about an individualized healthy diet with fresh, natural ingredients for children as well. Food items, dishes and drinks are selected individually according to the individual physical and mental needs of a child and his/her current state of health. This includes food that can be fully tolerated and digested by the child.

When it comes to the right nutrition for children and adults, all Holistic Health Systems like Ayurveda, Arabic or Chinese Medicine select food by taking the DIGESTION POWER of an individual into account. The digestion varies from person to person and depends on many different factors, including the child’s age and origin, constitution, current state of health, eating habits and living conditions. 

On this page you will find a SELFTEST. You can follow the recommendations for nutrition for children with a good or weakened digestion power. If your child has any health problems please consult an experienced holistic nutritionist or physician as well.

adjust the Nutrition to the current digestion power of your child

Before you prepare a meal or snack for your child, always ask yourself how is his or her current digestion power. For this you need to know his/ her digestive activities. As long as your child is small, you can keep an eye on his/her digestion. By puberty you should ask your child about it and also take a look in the toilet. 

Holistic Nutrition for Children always considers the digestion power. The following selftest may help you, to assess the digestive capacity of your child. Then follow the recommendations for holistic nutrition for children with good and weak digestion power. Consult an experienced, holistical physician or therapist, if your child is sick or has severe digestive problems.

Kleines Mädchen beim Essen - Little girl eating

Photo Pexels by cottonbro studio

General recommendations for Holistic Nutrition for children

Of course, holistic health systems also provide general recommendations for Holistic Nutrition for children. They are based on the fact that the digestion power of babies and young children is weaker than of adults until puberty. Therefore, they need food which is easy to digest. The digestion power grows with the child, but at the time of birth, the cells which produce digestive enzymes and juices, such as bile or saliva, are not yet developed or not fully developed.

Holistic Nutrition for children in the first year

Breast milk is considered to be the best food for a child in the first year, provided the mother is healthy and eats properly. The rule here is that the mother should eat healthy and in alignment with her digestion power, because indigestion has a negative effect on the her milk, which gets difficult to digest. 

If you know, that the best nutrition for my baby is the milk that I produce, you may pay even more attention to your diet. Keep an eye, if your milk is digestible for your baby or does it create skin rashes or digestive problems, which indicates that you need to change your diet immediately, with the help of a holistic physician. 

Holistic Nutrition: Feed with the first teeth

Solid food can be given to a child, when the first teeth emerge and the baby is ready to eat. In an ideal mother-child relationship, the child will automatically reject the mother’s breast at the right time and greedily take what is offered into his/her mouth. If the child is weak or sick, the nutritional situation is problematic or does not meet hygienic standards, breastfeeding can be continued for longer than two to three years.

Natural, Fresh and Healthy Food for your Child

Feed your child like your anchestors did

Holistic nutrition for children starts from the beginning. The first meal of a child should be of boiled vegetables, potatoes, grains, rice with ghee, mild in taste and soft in consistency, as well as sweet and ripe fruits. Feed your child like your ancestors did – with natural staple foods and traditional dishes from your family. 

All Food must be healthy for your child

However, your child may also have certain preferences regarding food item, that you need to tolerate, as long as he/ she is healthy and can digest and tolerate this food. In fact, there are children who eat a lot of meat and cheese and those who refuse all animal products from birth. As long as your child is absolutely happy and healthy, no problem. You just have to make sure that it receives important nutrients, minerals and trace elements in other ways and that you get him/her regularly examined by an experienced, holistic pediatrician.

Holistic nutrition for children + family members

Holistic nutrition for children is a family matter. If you want your child to eat healthy or kep a certain diet, because of some health issues, the whole family should eat the same. The entire family should join in and avoid certain foods, dishes and drinks as well – as a sign of compassion and love. This makes it much easier for your child to keep the diet and gets healthy again much quicker.

Kuscheln Mutter und Kind mit Lächeln auf dem Sofa -cuddle mother and child with smile on the sofa

Selftest for good digestion in children:

Your child has a good digestion when,

Ideal holistic nutrition for children with good digestion

Selftest for weak digestion in children:

Your child has a weak digestion if,

Ideal holistic nutrition for children with weak digestion

Holistic nutrition for children is all about Love

Holistic nutrition for children is an expression of love in every aspect. It starts with the love for your child and his/her wellbeing, but also includes the love for your family and yourself and nature.