Ganzheitlich Reisen Ganze Familie zusammen in der Küche - Holistic travel Whole family together in the kitchen

Holistic Traveling: Visit your Family and your Ancestors

The focus on Holistic Traveling is on transformative and healing experiences, like traveling to your family and the place of your anchestors. Learn about yourself, your abilities, talents and potential - even the meaning of your life.

Holistic Traveling: Learn about yourself at the place of your ancestors

A HOLISTIC LIFESTYLE includes MINDFUL TRAVELING. This means, that our journey should fulfill a higher purpose, for example, to advance personally and to get more strength. Ideally a trip is life-changing, transformative and healing. It should be part of our path to highest consciousness and unconditional love.

A trip to your roots can be very helpful, for example by visiting your family or the place, where your ancestors lived – especially when you have never been there or if you never met your family members. Take a few days or weeks off and get to know your relatives and ancestors, after all you share the same genes.

Take a close look at how they live, love, eat and drink or once lived and loved. The more you learn about them, the more you learn about yourself, your abilities, talents and potential, even the meaning of your life.

Holistic Traveling: Connect with the land of your ancestors

Before you meet your family or other residents, first connect with the land and earth on which your ancestors lived. Holistic Traveling is about taking time to explore the area. Immerse yourself deeply in nature and get in touch with the animals and plants. Go for a walk, hike in the mountains, go swimming in the lake or sea. Feel the energy of this place. Find out, whether the air, water and/or the environment lifts you up or has an energizing effect on you.

Holistic traveling: Mingle with your Folk

Mix with the people, who live with your family. Find out if you there are similarities between them and you or your relatives. Walk around the city or village or take public transport. Visit temples, mosques or churches and other central meeting places. Talk to the people, the sellers and taxi drivers. Listen to them and find out what they think and what are their interests. Find out, what topics you have in common with them and what raised your interest.

Learn more about your Ancestors and you will Learn about Yourself

Holistic Traveling: Experience the Traditional Cuisine

Holistic travel includes to explore the traditional cuisine in all its diversity. It’s best to go to restaurants with authentic cuisine that have good hygienic standards. Find out what food items, herbs and spices are used. Also find out how, the meals and drinks are prepared.

It’s best to try everything and then find out, which of the dishes and drinks give you good feelings and energy. It is possible, that the soil in which these vegetables, fruits, legumes and grains grow and in which animals grow up, contains certain minerals and trace elements, that your body needs. Maybe the food there has a healing effect on you and release you from illness. You should stick to this diet as long as it keeps you healthy and gives you strength.

Holistic Traveling to your family

To meet family and even distant relatives can be very healing. Listen to them and find out what they think and what are their interests. Do you identify with them and do you share the same dreams and goals? Maybe they know stories or tell you a secret that will help you understand your family and origins better. Also find out where your ancestors came from and which special skills they had. Maybe this will help you in recognizing your abilities, hidden talents and potential. Under no circumstances you should allow yourself to be drawn into family conflicts; instead, see yourself as a detective with the aim of getting to know yourself better.

Holistic Traveling : Connect with your ancestors and their power

Native Americans, South Americans, Aborigines and other indigenous peoples believe, that we can connect with the spirits of our ancestors, when we go to the places where they once lived. With certain rituals they awaken the spirits and ask for soul healing or help and solutions for problems. If you also want to connect deeply with your ancestors, it is best to seek out a shaman or healer. It is possible that the connection to your ancestors activates your genes and releases traumas and blockages that have been passed down in your family for generations. Which rituals make sense, depends on your family tradition. These rituals are not always necessary to establish the connection.

Traditioneller Tanz von Ureinwohnern um Lagerfeuer -Traditional dance by indigenous people around a campfire

Photo Pexels by manu mangalassery

You can also connect with our ancestors in deep Meditation. However, it is much easier to establish a connection with them, if you have made direct contact with them on the place they lived. All great wisdom traditions state, that a particular ancestor is our guardian angel in this lifetime. This could be, for example, your great-great-grandfather or your great-great-grandmother, whom you have never met before.

With the help of a shaman or healer, find out who is at your side and transfers his/her divine power to you as soon as you call on him/her. In fact, there is nothing more uplifting than being in strong connection with your ancestors and using their power, even if you are on the other side of the world.

In Mexico they celebrate the Day of the Dead, also known as “Dia de Muertos”. Everywhere you see decorated skulls and skeletons in all shapes, even cakes. Every family celebrates at night at the grave of their deceased. In other traditions such as the Hindus in India, a “Puja” is performed on the day of death. This is a ceremony in a temple or home in which the “Divine Energies” are summoned by a priest to bless the deceased and the family. Similar rituals can be found in the Muslim and Jewish tradition. Ultimately, our ancestors are part of our lives, because we share the same genes and energies. We can use their power to achieve our goals and turn.