
Ideal Co-Living in Peace, Love and Harmony

Here you get an idea, how ​ideal Coliving with like-minded people looks like and where old, sick or weak individuals, minorities and animals are integrated in the society.

Ideal COLiving is based on Love

We need a protected environment, where we can live a happy and fulfilled life. We should aim to live an ideal coexistence, regardless of we are rich or poor, healthy or sick, weak or strong, human or animal. All living beings on earth have a right to live in peace, freedom and prosperity. 

The time has come, where we can find new ways and solutions together and shape our own reality – an environment in which we can grow and unfold. NEW EARTH includes Ideal Joint Living, which is based on LOVE.

Zwei Personen helfen einen älteren Menschen - Two people help an older person

Photo Pexels by Kampus Production

Ideal CoLiving with sick and weak individuals

A community is as strong as its weakest members, which includes sick and weak people as well as children and animals. They neither have the voice to speak for themselves nor the strength to push through against others. In a community based on love, this is not a problem. 

Ideal coliving means, that all members of a community care for the sick and weak, not just professionals. This starts with family members and friends, but also older children and adults of all ages can take care, according to their abilities and time, they can dedicate for others. 

Sick and weak people should also be allowed to work as long as they have fun and it is not too strenuous for them. These people have certain skills and knowledge, which are very valuable for the community.

Photo Pexels by Matthias Zomer

Ideal CoLiving with seniors

In Ideal Coliving, seniors are fully integrated and participate in daily life like everyone else. Many elderly people are physically and mentally fit or can work, even if they are weal or ill. 

With all their skills and experience, they are precious workers. According to their health condition they can work as part-time teachers or supervisors, who look after children, animals and ill people or do moderate work in households or gastronomy.

Photo Pexels by freestocks.org

Ideal CoLiving with orphans

Children need our protection. It is unbelievable, that orphans homes are still existing. These children experienced a terrible fate at early age and need love to heal their trauma. Even in ancient times, it was known that it takes a whole village to raise a child, so orphans must be fully integrated into a community. The children are best placed in existing families, provided that love flows and the family members have the time and capacity to care for the child.

Menschen mit Handicap - People with handicap

Photo Pexels by ELEVATE

Ideal CoLiving with Minorities

In an ideal community, everyone is allowed to be and live the way they want, as long as it doesn’t harm any other being. It doesn’t matter what gender, origin or age someone has, which religion he/she belongs to or what is his/her interests or sexual orientation, as long it expresses love and exclude violence towards others.

Hühner auf Ästen eines Strauches -Chickens on branches of a bush

Photo Kalpana Bandecar

Ideal CoLiving: Side by side with animals

Ideal coliving includes living side by side with animals. This means to provide them with living space, which they need by nature and where they move freely. This is only possible, if experienced animal trainer prepare them, to live with humans, which will take some time. In all wisdom traditions such as Buddhism, the Vedas and Kabbalah, most animals, who live above the earth, are considered as highly evolved and capable of feeling love. 

In recent decades, it has also been shown, that even predators and reptiles such as foxes, raccoons, lions, tigers, crocodiles and monitor lizards, get used to humans and even become their pets. Dogs and cats become vegetarians or vegans and adapt their owner’s lifestyle. Animals also experience a transformation into higher levels of consciousness, which over time makes it possible, to live with them in peace and harmony.

Ideal CoLiving: Together in communities with like-Minded people

Nowadays many people are longing to live with like minded people. There is already a split between those, who are evolving into higher states of consciousness and who need a holistic and ethic based society. There is another group of people, who want to optimize or stay in the old system.

Many of such holistic communities already have been founded in the last two years. Most of them are located on the countryside. Around 20-100 people live out of the grid by cultivating and producing their own food and energy. They founded schools and take care of the earth they live on.

Ideal CoLiving: Meet and live with like-minded people

If you decide to step out of the system you have to carefully choose with whom you want to spend your life. Ideally this will be people, who share the same ethics, interests and visions like you. In the end it is all about serving humanity and the nature. May be, you already know people who are like-minded. Otherwise, there are many communities, which introduce themselves on social media such as Facebook or Instagram and offer seminars or a short or longterm stay, where you can meet the people and experience their way of living in real.

Come together

Time is over, where conscious individuals are isolated from each other. We need to connect with as much people and groups as possible. This way we are much stronger in creating NEW EARTH.

How to Find Like-minded People and create a community

Meet and Live only with people with high ethics

Ideal Joint Living is only possible with people, who developed high ethics. They think, feel, speak and act out of unconditional love. Ego trips are more unlikely in these individuals, who are already in higher states of consciousness and mindful with other living beings. According to Vedic teaching, an ideal number for joint living are maximum 300-600 persons, which ensures peace and harmony and wealth.


Create communities with special interests

Each community may have their own mission and follow specific interests. For example some will take care of abandoned children and animals, some will teach advanced technics for telepathy and teleporting and others will develop new technologies for regenerative energies or crystalbased computers. 

Living in a Cities with many communities

In New Earth communities will be connected virtually and physically. This provides a wide exchange of abilities and knowledge and also support. In certain geographical areas these communities may expand to huge cities. But this will be different, than the megacities we know rom today. Imagine large inhabited regions with houses, who are perfectly adapted to the nature. No mansion is higher than one floor. The main infrastructure like train ways are hidden underground. 
