
The Ideal Society: Great Visions for New Earth

Learn more about New Earth and the Ideal Society, where we live together in love and harmony, peace, freedom and prosperity.

The Ideal Society: Visions for New Earth

In ancient times, wise men and sages from ancient India, China, Egypt, Israel and ancient Greece described the ideal person and the ideal society. A good person is somebody, who is in peace with himself and thinks, feels, speaks and acts out of LOVE – always for the highest good of other beings, which includes animals, plants and Mother Earth. A society with people, who have a high consciousness, work very differently than today’s society. Everyone trust and help each other, a perfect space for CO-LIVING. This is, how NEW EARTH looks like.

Veden mit Weisen Männern - Vedas with wise men

Drawing by MelBe: Scholars and sages from the ancient Vedas

Many knowledge traditions, such as the Vedas, the ancient Mayas, the Sufis and the Kabbalah teachings, describe that our planet is changing its position and has a new constellation to other stars in our galaxy. As a result, the earth develops a higher vibration, along with the beings, who live on earth. We are evolving to the direction of an ideal person and an ideal society. The increase of awareness is very obvious since two to three decades.

For example, people around the world got more health conscious. They also want to know about the real meaning of life and how the universe works. They find answers in all ancient wisdom traditions, which are based on the universal laws and share on UNIVERSAL WISDOM. The interest for Yoga and Ayurveda, Chinese medicine and Buddhist teachings, including Reiki, Thai Chi and Chi Gong, as well as in the teachings of Kabbalah and Sufism, is growing day by day. 

There more and more people, who treat animals and nature very conscious and became vegans and vegetarians. This also indicates the global increase in awareness. To get an idea about holistic communities, you can visit the Rainbow Family or Auroville.

The Ideal Society has no Boundaries

The earth belongs to all of us. In an ideal society, physical boundaries such as fences or walls are not necessary. Conscious beings respect each other’s property and living space. This is one of the universal ethical laws. On the other hand, for the ideal society sharing is part of their cultural fundament. 

For example, anyone who needs help, will be given a place, if possible, or gets real help to find another suitable place. Without borders our New Earth is a paradise. Everyone is allowed to travel and settle wherever he or she wants, but has to live according to the universal laws and ethics of love and also need to recognize the local legislation of the community. In principle, we live like animals, only we don’t use violence to maintain our living space.

Gruppe freut sich - Group is happy

Photo Pexels by Min An

The Ideal Society: Non-violence with lots of Peacemakers

Non-violence characterizes the ideal society in New Earth. People have such a high vibration, that they think, feel, speak and act non-violently and out of love. Until we reach this ideal state, a society needs leaders, who can offer non-violent solutions to conflicts or create peace between two parties. In many cultures, priests and shamans have this function, regardless of their religious orientation. They connect with the highest energy or celestial beings and ask, what the best decision or solution for the concerned person. 

These so-called peacemakers are people, who are in deep connection with the highest energies and have high ethics. This way, they can only get ideas and thoughts, which are for the highest good of all. We don’t need lawyers who act within the secular legal system, but real people with a big heart, who guide us into love.

Gruppe von Demonstrierenden für Frieden - Group of demonstrators for peace

Photo Pexels by RDNE Stock project

Religion is a Culture of Love

The word “religion” means “reconnection with source”. The Roman historian Cicero described it as a culturally ritualized behavior to maintain the connection to the divine. Since the beginning, humans worshipped the sky, sun and moon, the planets and the elements. This way natural religions emerged and are still found all over the world, for example among indigenous peoples. There are the Aborigines, the Native Indians in South and North America, the tribes in remote areas of Africa and Asia or on the islands in the Pacific. 

Natural religions have two things in common: the wisdom of the universal laws and unconditional love as the highest goal. In an Ideal society, people also live a very spiritual life in constant connection with the universal energies. We need to see beyond the different forms of religions and recognize the common essence of all these subtypes. This essence of wisdom we can use as a fundament for a common culture of love for humanity. 

It doesn’t matter, whether we worship the universe as the highest energy source or gods, demigods, angels, avatars, prophets or saints, as long as we feel a deep connection to the divine. They are all entities, which come from the same universal source and connect us to this energy. 

Prayers and Meditations, fire rituals and other ceremonies from different wisdom traditions have the same purpose, to activate the universal energies and to manifest peace and freedom and prosperity for all. In the Ideal Society it doesn’t matter, which religion a person follows, as long as it doesn’t harm anyone and unconditional love is the highest goal.

The Ideal Society:
Love, Peace and Prosperity for All

The Ideal Society needs almost no Money

From a holistic perspective, money is an energy, which we need in the world we created. On the other hand, an ideal society doesn’t need money or almost no money, because people get everything they need, even luxury, if they use it for the highest good of all and know how to share it. The high vibration of the New Earth makes it possible for all of us, that our desires and dreams will manifest. 

This includes our dream house and dream car. We will no longer have to work hard for these things. Love and help of others will bring these things in our life, may be in form of a present or in exchange for something. Every member of an ideal society works for the community, according to his/her abilities and talents. In return, he/she is provided with everything he/she needs, from good food to medical care, education and everyday necessities. 

Individual journeys are included too as long they serve the community, for example for an exchange of knowledge or if it helps a person to recover health wise. Until we reach paradise on earth, even an ideal society needs funds to buy things from the old world, like buying animals, which need to be rescued or paying off people’s debts, so that they can start a new life.

In places where the New Earth has already become a reality, money can be generated by exporting goods, which are not existing in the old world and bring high vibrations to this part of the world. This could be by selling innovative technologies and systems, for example to generate energy, which is harmless to our planet. Specific products can also be sold, such as seaweed and organic food, clothing or household items. 

Other sources of income include health and educational programs, which guide people to live a completely healthy and holistic life or help them to overcome fears and to unfold their potentials in order to live a wonderful illed life with  love and prosperity. This also includes income from tourist activities. People who are interested to see the new way of living can spend their holiday there and experience first-hand, what an ideal society looks like. The clientele also includes digital nomads who simply want to work and live in a paradise place for a while. 

All money is for the community and will be spent on things, which is for the highest good of all. It is also very likely, that there will also be so-called Manifestors, who can materialize and manifest anything, even money or gold, if it serves a higher purpose.

The Ideal Society communicates via Telepathy

By raising our vibration, we also develop new skills and mental abilities, such as telepathy. Words and thoughts are sent on a non-verbal level via thoughts. Most likely, there will be a common language with a high angelic vibration, that all people on earth will understand. In fact, many healers or shamans use this form of communication. For example, they contact their ancestors or those of their clients and work with them to heal the person. 

The Aborigines and Indians are masters of telepathy. Interestingly, animal trainers also use telepathy for all kinds of animals, especially dogs. The great advantage of telepathy is the unlimited reach into distant areas and other dimensions, which also enables direct communication with celestial beings and bringing good thoughts and energy to everyone.

Telepathie Frau und Hund sehen sich an -Telepathy Woman and dog look at each other

Photo Pexels by cottonbro studio