Frau wird von Infrarotlicht angestrahlt - Woman is illuminated by infrared light

Infrared Light Lamps: Great Products for Health

Infrared light is a well known remedy which counteracts inflammation and pain in tissues and joints and relaxes the muscles. Here we introduce you to different variants of infrared light lamps.

A little Star: The Infrared Light Lamp

I still remember the first time I was in front of a red light lamp as a child. I suffered from an ear inflammation and the pain was unbearable. My mother sat me in front of the lamp, which was directed at my sore ear. After a short time with the heat of the light my pain disappeared. 

Here at Happy New Earth Magazine we introduce you to holistic products for health, which should be in every household – like the Infrared light lamp, which is available in different versions and sizes. Especially in cold winters the heat is very pleasant.

Benefits of Infrared Light

Light is a fundamental source of energy and is essential for life for humans, animals and plants. The sun has a width light spectrum and is a natural source of infrared light. Red light oscillates at a low frequency and is therefore felt as heat. Our skin absorbs the infrared light waves, which penetrates deep into the tissues. Locally the light increases the temperature, which let blood vessels expand, promoting blood circulation and oxygen supply. This leads to fast regeneration of tissue and cells.  

Since ancient times, sunlight has been used to treat pain and discomfort of the musculoskeletal system. Artificial infrared light has been used in modern medicine since the end of the 19th century in form of red light lamps, locally or for the entire body. Here are the benefits: 

Products with Infrared Light: The classic Red Light Lamp

The red light lamp is available in the shape of a large light bulb or has a rectangular shape. You can get it as a lamp for the table or floor with a flexible arm, which can be adjusted to personal needs. The advantage is, that you can place the lamp anywhere at home – for example near a stool, chair, sofa or at the table. If you have problems with the spine or many joints, it is recommended to buy 3 or 4 lamps and position them in a way that  they illuminate the entire back or both knees or shoulders.

Make sure that you keep a minimum distance from the lamp, so that the heat does not harm your skin or eyes. There are also some international studies which have shown that infrared light improves vision – but only if the lamp are kept in a good distance from the eyes. The distance depends on the size of the lamp and the heat it emits. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. When purchasing a red light lamp, safety glasses are usually included. Small lamps on a mat or mask allow direct contact to the skin.

Great Products:The Infrared Light Belt

There are belts available for the stomach, back and shoulders with small infrared light lamps, which can be also put on the arms or legs. They are used for local relief of pain caused by inflammation of the musculoskeletal system. The advantage is that they cling to the affected parts of the body. If you like you can also use the belt for your dog or cat – just like that or for treatment of muscle and joint pain.

Great Products: The Infrared Light Mat

Lay down and relax. There are flexible mats which consist of small infrared light lamps, on which you can lay down. They have a calming and soothing effect on the entire body. The special Infrared-Magneticfield-Mat has a double effect: infrared light goes deep and promotes blood circulation, stimulates metabolism and regenerates tissues and cells, while the magnetic field is more soothing. It is advisable to drink a lot before and after laying down on the mat as it increases the excretion of metabolic products. 

Another variant is an Infrared-Magneticfield-Crystal-Mat. The electromagnetic vibrations of the three components are calming mind, which promotes mental clarity and sleep and has a very grounding effect. The crystals like tourmaline, amethysts and jade have an uplifting effect and strengthen the immune system.

Rotlichtmatte - Infrared Light Mat

Photo Pexels – Pixabay

Great Products: The Infrared Light Face Mask

Light therapy in a different way. There are specially developed face masks to get radiant skin and reduce wrinkles. You can easily apply the mask on your face or neck at home. The masks are very trendy and very popular in the beauty industry. The hype is big. You’ve probably already seen the infrared light mask on social media or in films like in the Netflix series “Emily in Paris”.

Frau mit einer Infrarotlicht Maske -woman with a Infrared Light Face Mask

Photo Pexels by Dinc Tapa

Great Products: The Infrared Light Cabins

If you love the heat of red light all over your body, for example on a cold winter evening, an Infrared Light Cabin is just ideal for you. This also applies to anyone who suffers from general back pain, joint pain and stiffness or want relaxation after sports. There are several red light lamps in the closed cabin which can be individually adjusted.