Achtsam Reisen Frau am Meer auf den Klippen sitzend -Mindful Traveling Woman Sitting on the Cliffs by the Sea

Mindful Traveling with a good Purpose and Intention

Spend your time well. Mindful traveling Traveling means to travel with a good reason, where you can improve your health, get more energy, promote your personal development or increase your consciousness.

Mindful Traveling: with a good Reason

In HOLISTIC LIFESTYLE we take care that our activities are meaningful and do no harm anyone. This includes mindful traveling and spending time consciously, for example to recharge our batteries or carry out activities, which promote our personal development and increase our consciousness. Here you’ll get some very practical ideas, how to connect holidays with a higher purpose

Mindful Traveling: Stay in Private Accomodations

It’s a great thing to lie under palm trees and having a good time. It gets problematic, when it harms the nature and the people are exploited. This is particularly true for package tours, where tourists stay in huge hotel complexes or cruise ships.

Mindful traveling is ideally connected with private accommodations, which makes the exchange with other people and cultures much more intense and also protects nature, because there is no need to build more hotels. In return, the hosts can stay at our home and learn from us – a real win-win situation. If you can stay with your family, its even better, because you can connect with your roots.

Mindful Traveling: Work and Travel

The concept of work and travel already got established worldwide. In exchange for food and lodging, you can help locals on farms with cultivation and harvesting, such as picking olives in Calabria, in Italy or harvesting apples in South Germany. You can also look after animals, such as donkeys in Andalusia in Spain or watch over sheeps in the Highlands of Scotland. Choose a natural place, where you can live really healthy and recharge your energy, but also get to know a new country and culture.

Mindful Traveling: Holistic and Sustainable

There are great travel providers who combine their trips to all parts of the world with charitable projects. The profits are used locally to improve the infrastructure and bring the residents a fair income from tourism. The focus of sustainable travel is also to really get to know the country and  people.

Travel with a Good Purpose and Intention

Mindful Traveling: Learn from Other cultures

There is nothing more enriching than getting to know new cultures, especially when they still live a traditional holistic life in alignment with the nature. You can directly book workshops with Aborigines and learn specific art techniques or their philosophy. They are very spiritual and are in deep connection with Mother Earth and celestial beings or their anchestors. There is so much we can learn from them about nature and life.

Mindful Traveling with Spirit

There are places in this world, which have a very special energy. These are so-called places of power, which have a very special vibration due to their location and/or geomantic characteristics, such as volcanic regions. Mindful traveling means go to places with special energies that increase consciousness, such as Es Vedra in Ibiza, Sedona and Mount Shastra in the USA or the Himalayas. In such places of power, Meditation can be very intense. 

In principle, pure nature is a place of power itself. This can be found all over the world, preferably in remote places in the mountains or on little-visited islands. But you need several days for a trip like this. Basically, from a holistic perspective, we need 21 days for one place to arrive properly and recharge our batteries.

Kraftorte Spirale aus Steinen auf Ibiza - Places of power spiral made of stones in Ibiza

Photo Kalpana Bandecar: Place of power on the island of Ibiza

Mindful Traveling: Take a Break in retreats

If you need a Time-Out and a reset, go to a remote place, where you can stay in absolute silence, ideally in the nature or attached to a special Place of Power. This could be a mountain, temple or a church with a high vibration.

Attend a retreat in a monastry or an ashram and learn techniques, to connect with your life energies. Look for a place  which is energetically charged by monks meditating there for centuries like in India, Thailand, Tibet, Italy or Germany – no matter which religion or tradition. Learn to meditate in very authentic way and meet like-minded people. Very popular are retreats in the Himalayas like Rishikesh, where you are close to the divine energies.