Great Spiritual Movies
In HOLISTIC LIVING we take care that everything we consume has a purpose. This applies also to movies of different genres, where we can learn something. There are a vast number of wonderful movies, which allow us to have a look into parallel worlds and dimensions.
Spiritual Movies explain the universal laws according and show how we reach higher states of consciousness. Especially in Hollywood there are many film producers and screenwriters of Spiritual Movies, who openly talk about the fact, that they dreamed the film or had insides and then incorporated them into their movies, like the creator of Star Trek Eugene Wesley. In any case, good spiritual movies open our eyes and expand our consciousness.
Spiritual Movies: The Matrix
The movie Matrix is one of a series of science fiction films and on top of all Spiritual Movies in Hollywood. The first movie was made in 1999 and attracted widespread attention in spiritual circles. The film explains in a very clear way that the world we live in, is just a simulation, a dream, and how we can find our way back to true reality and our true identity. The main character Neo, played by Keanu Reeves, a hacker and digital game developer, is sought out by a group of resistance fighters, because he is the long-awaited chosen one who, according to a prophecy, will defeat the Matrix and free humanity from the machine reign.
Matrix: The Story
The background of the Matrix is, that at the beginning of the 21st century mankind lost the war against machines and robots, which they have been created by themselves with the help of artificial intelligence. The machines get their energy from humans, who are imprisoned like slaves, but are caught up in a virtual reality, which suggests to them to be free. The sage Morpheus teaches Neo that he can consciously change the physical laws of the apparent world of the Matrix through sheer willpower. This corresponds to the universal teaching, that we find in all great wisdom traditions like Buddhism, Vedic Science, Kabbalah or the teachings of great spiritual masters.
The series continued with Matrix Reloaded and Matrix Revolution in 2003. In December 2021 part 4 with Matrix Resurrections was released. Of all the episodes, the first part has the clearest message, that we can determine our reality and move it in the right direction with our thoughts, feelings, words and actions. If you are interested in spiritual movies, watch Matrix.
Spiritual Movies: Groundhog Day
This work is truly one of the best in the category of spiritual movies. The US American comedy “Groundhog Day” with Bill Murray from 1993, shows in a really funny way that we can become better individuals by aligning our actions, thought, feelings and actions towards love, compassion, helpfulness, tolerance and empathy.
Groundhog Day: The Story
Phil Connors, played by Bill Murray, is an egocentric meteorologist, who makes weather forecasts for a certain television channel. On Groundhog Day, February 2nd, he travels to Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. He stays there overnight to do the moderation of the annual spectacle attended by thousands of people, where a marmot signals, whether winter is over or spring is about to come. Connors is quite arrogant and cynical in his work and moderation. Due to a sudden snowstorm, he cannot return home and has to spend the night in the town.
There he comes to know Rita, played by Andie MacDowell, his team’s recording manager. He likes her, but she rejects him, because of his arrogant nature. The universe has a plan to make Connors a better person and leaves him stuck in a time loop. So every morning he wakes up in his hotel room with his clock radio, which plays the pop song “I got you Babe” by Sonny and Cher every time. And every day is Groundhog Day, where he has to do the moderation.
He tries to break out of the time loop in various ways, even committing suicide, until he realizes that it’s impossible and he has to make the best of the day. He uses the time and acquires new skills such as playing the piano or making ice sculptures. Since he has fallen in love with Rita, he tries to win her in various ways. He realizes that it is due to his behavior and that he increasingly wins her heart with loving gestures, but fails again and again, because he falls back into his self-centered way. Over the time he transforms into a really nice and kind-hearted person and ultimately free himself from the time loop with a happy ending.
From a spiritual perspective, we can also see the repetitions of the day as a repetition of lives, in which we always experience the same thing until we consciously align our words, thoughts, actions and deeds towards love and focus on what we want to experience in life. One of the best spiritual movies without being too serious.
Spiritual Movies: Inception
Spiritual Movies like Inception reveal the immeasurable powers that reside within us. These powers enable us to move mountains and achieve exactly what we want. Inception is an American science fiction movie, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, from 2010. With incredibly powerful images, this film illustrates, how much our subconscious mind determines our reality.
In the movie it gets clear, how negative beliefs and fears, which lie deep in our subconscious, show up in daily life and how we can turn them in a positive direction by controlling our thoughts, intentions, feelings, words and actions. The manifestation of a desired event is reinforced by the fact, that several individuals simultaneously manifest a certain event together, for example with common dreams like in the movie.
Inception: The Story
Inception is about dream sharing, a fictional practice developed by the US military. It allows a person to enter another’s dreams and manipulate them. The film begins with Cobb, played by Leonardo di Caprio, who is part of the US military team, spying on the dreams of a Japanese businessman, Saito. He notices it and at the same time is impressed by Cobb’s abilities. Saito hires him to use dream manipulation, to persuade the heir of a rival company to split up his company in order to weaken it, so he can build up his own monopol for energy supply.
Cobbs is given a team of so-called „dream architects“, with whom he learns other techniques for dream manipulation. During the sessions, he realizes that he stores deep guilt over the death of his wife and has fears, that he may not wake up from his dreams. Of course, these negative emotions manifest themselves in reality, for example with catastrophes such as the disintegration of the citythe dream architects have built or massives blockages, which inhibits the team to reach their goal.
The background is that Cobbs and his wife developed a method called “dream in dream”. However, during one such “Inception,” she committed suicide, because she thought she was trapped in the dream. Cobbs had to flee to the United States and had to leave his three children behind, because it appears, as he is the murderer of his wife.
Cobbs only accepted Saito’s assignment, because he promised him, that if his mission is successful, he could use his great influence on the US government to get Cobbs free from murder, so that he can return back to his children. Spiritual Movies like Inception leave a big impression on us and give us great insides, for example about our subconscious mind and its great impact of the outcome in our lifes.