Natürliche Schönheitspflege Frau mit Gesichtsmaske -Natural beauty care woman with facial mask

Natural Beauty Care: The Secrets of fast Regeneration and Rejuvenation

Nature has all for a fast Regeneration and Rejuvenation of our body and in particular of our skin. Learn about the secrets of ancient Natural Beauty Care from Queens and Princesses.

Natural Beauty Care: Imitate the Nature

A HOLISTIC LIFESTYLE includes beauty care for skin, hair and body in a natural way. If we look at plants and trees, we see blossoming life that is bursting with strength and abundance. This is especially true for plants, which store water or grow in water-rich areas. They are not only storing lots of liquid, but also contain water-repellent coating on their leaves, which protects the plant against dehydration due to dryness.

We can take this example from nature and imitate it. Natural Beauty Care primarily means increasing the water content of your body and skin and protecting it from drying out. This secret was well known by the beauty queens and princesses of former times.

Natural Beauty Care with Water

Water is our life elixir. If we have enough of it in the body, it fills the collagen in our skin and smooths out wrinkles. Natural Beauty Care can be simple and inexpensive. Drink lots of pure water with low sodium and without gas and a pH higher than 6. Find out, which amount of water is best for you. When you are stressed, a lot of water is excreted due to increased release of stress hormones. You have to consume more food items, which retain water like sweet ripe fruits and vegetables (plums or cucumbers), rice, stews and soups.

Wasser trinken - Drink water

Photo Kalpana Bandecar: Water is our elixir of life

Natural Beauty Care with Hot Water Steam and Herbs

It’s not a secret, that hot water steam deeply moistures the skin and brings back youth to the cells. Unfortunately, this really simple Natural Health Care is not so popular. You can place a towel on your face, which you dipped in hot water before. Like Cleopatra, you can also treat yourself with a facial steam bath with many different herbs like Chamomile or Mediterranean herbs, which have a very disinfecting, regenerating and rejuvenating effect.

Natural Beauty Care with Aloe Vera

ALOE VERA is my Number One, when it comes to Natural Beauty Care. No other product or plant is so effective in moisturizing, regenerating and rejuvenating the skin. It contains a lot of water, which is stored in the leafs. Fresh Aloe Vera leaves  are available in many places. Cut paper-thin pieces out of the leaf and cover your face and eyelids  overnight. You may also mash the gel and apply it on your face like a gel. 

Beautiful with Different Forms of Aloe Vera

If you don’t get Aloe Vera leaves, you can also use the ready made gel available at drugstores. You can also drink the Aloe Vera juice, which you get without sugar and preservatives. Take around three shots per day, preferably mixed with water. Aloe Vera has anti-inflammatory properties, which have a very healing effect on Acne or skin abscesses. The juice also increases bleeding, that is why Aloe is avoided in pregnancy and during menstruation.

Natural Beauty Care with An Almond-Cucumber-Mask

Another great alternative to Aloe Vera is cucumber, which also contains a lot of water and has a smoothing effect on the skin and removes wrinkles. You can make an Almond-Cucumber Mask with almond butter. Soak 12 almonds in lukewarm water overnight. Next morning remove the peels and mix them with a quarter of a peeled cucumber, which you have cut into small pieces. Store the paste in the fridge and use it as a mask at night before going to bed. Natural Beauty Care has no limits. You can also combine other nut butter with cucumber as well.

Glowy Skin with Turmeric Paste

Turmeric paste

Everyone knows about the healing effect of Turmeric. Since ancient times it is part of Natural Beauty Care. With boiled and pureed chickpeas and turmeric powder you can make a great face mask, that gives your skin a special glow. This mask is very popular to beautify the bride in India an Arabian countries.

Simply mix 2-3 tablespoons of fine chickpea flour with 1 level teaspoon of turmeric powder and a little water and form a paste. Leave the paste on the skin for about 30-60 minutes and then wash it off. 

Natural Beauty Care with Mud

On of the oldest remedies for Natural Beauty Care is mud, which is ideally from volcanic ash and rich mineral powder from earth. The mud nourishes the skin and induces regenerative and rejuvenating processes. It can be applied on the face and even on the entire body. Leave it for 20-30 Minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm or cold water. There are also natural mudbaths in many places around the world, where you may get treatments.

Photo Pexels by SHVETS production: Beauty care with high-quality plant oils

Natural Beauty Care With Plant Oils

In Natural Beauty Care plant oils from nuts, seeds and fruits are used for skin repair and protection. The oil leaves a film, which protects the skin from drying out. Plant Oils also contain great minerals and bioactive substances, which are giving an extra rejuvenation kick for the skin. Apricot kernel oil, almond oil, avocado oil, argan oil and castor oil are very rich in nutrients. 

Natural Beauty Care with Castor Oils

From all plant oils, castor oil is most effective and is one of the best products for Natural Beauty Care ever. The oil is anti-inflammatory and regenerates, softens, smooths and rejuvenates especially dry or aged skin. Warm up the castor oil before applying it on the skin or massage it on moist, warm skin, for example after a hot shower. You can also enjoy a hot bath with a few drops of this wonderful oil.