Holistic Nature Care starts with each of us
A HOLISTIC LIFESTYLE includes Nature Care in daily life. There are many things we can do. We can’t wait for the government to pass the right laws for environmental problems and protection. We need to act now, each and everyone of us.
Nature Care is about restoring and maintaining nature, including the protection of animals and plants. For this we need more knowledge, about the importance the nature for us. According to all holistic wisdom traditions like the original teachings of the Vedas and Buddhism, the Bible or the wisdom from Indigenous People, if nature is in balance, we are too. If we create direct or indirect dysbalance in nature, it will affect us personally, no matter how far away we are. This is because we are all interconnected with each other and all beings.
We also need to understand nature as a divine creation – an expression of the wholeness and multidimensionality of the universe. Many wisdom traditions see Earth as a hub for many different species from other galaxies and planets. If you take a close look to moss, an orchid, a cameleon or a cat, you can really imagine, that they come from far away.
Proper education in Holistic Nature Care
To be successful in our mission to safe and protect earth, all of us need to be educated properly about nature in general and the universal laws. This education should start in early childhood and should be taught in pre-school and school. Especially for city kids, we need to bring nature into the classrooms or create classrooms in nature, for example in forests or on meadows like in ancient times.
Same time, teachers and parents, need to be educated in teaching Holistic Nature Care in special institutions, like a Holistic University, where everything is taught about Holistic Living. These Holistic Universities should be available for everyone and at any time. Proper education of Holistic Nature Care on a large scale has to be implemented worldwide, especially in industrial countries.
Photo Pexels by Jill Burrow: Check the background of a product
Always check the background of a product
With little changes in our habits, you can protect nature effortless. Don’t support institutions and companies, who are systematically destroying nature and/ or causing pain to humans, animals and plants by buying their products in the first place.
Always check the background of a product, the way they are manufactured, the origin of the ingredients, the distribution and the disposal afterwards. If possible, only buy items, which are natural and sustainable, with an ethical background, where no being is harmed and what has a high vibration. Also look for good alternatives and skip buying things, which are really harmful.
This may not always be possible, but try your best. Sometimes we are misleaded by wrong information about certain products, like electro cars, which seem to eco friendly, but behind the scenes, nature is devasted for extracting Lithium, which is needed to run the batteries.
Fortunately the internet provides us with lots of background information about the ethics of particular products. In the end, we have to use our intuition, what is good and ethical and what is harmful. With regular deep Meditation you can develop a good intuition and take decisions, which are for the highest good for all of us.
HOLISTIC NATURE CARE: Reduce consumption
Think twice before you buy something, no matter what it is: from clothes, household goods, decoration items, beauty and health products, technical devices, furniture, office equipment and even food. Don’t fall for shiny products, even if they are made of organic products, but are only for decoration or only good for a short period. By reflecting your wishes and desires, you may come to the conclusion, that you actually don’t need the product or get it from someone else.
When it comes to fashion, toys, decorative items or furniture, we could also be much more creative. Instead of buying new things, we can design our own things from solid and natural materials, with the help of experts such as good tailors or carpenters if necessary. They can also help us repair or optimize a specific item.
When it comes to clothing or furniture, we shouldn’t follow trends, but rather find our own style that underlines our personality. First think, what you need and if you need this specific item. Reduce consumption – think twice before you buy something. Support Products, where the company is supporting Nature Care and is socially engaged.
Photo Pexels by Greta Hoffmann
HOLISTIC NATURE CARE: only buy what you
There are too many health and beauty products on the market, which promise healthy rejunevation and healing. If you take a closer look, many of these products are produced with chemicals and mineral oils, which have a harming effect on our health. They may give good results in the beginning, but with time they are useless or destructive.
We are blended by beautiful pictures and clever marketing. Before buying, we need to analyze the components and ingredients of an item. Holistic Nature Care means conscious consumption – only buy what you need and what is beneficial for you, all beings and Mother Earth.
Holistic Nature Care: avoid packages
Right now we need to reduce and recycle waste and microplastic. The most important step is to consume natural goods as much as possible. Instead of buying food items in a box or paper, we can buy them unpacked in the market or shops, who are specialized in „no waste“. We can also leave packages at the shop, to set a sign. On the other side, shopkeepers could remove the packages from food items, before selling, and give it back for recycling at a central place. Holistic Nature Care means conscious consumption by avoiding packages at any cost. Also support HOLISTIC NATURE CARE PROJECTS.
Holistic Nature Care by consuming natural food
Proper nutrition is part of conscious and Holistic Living. Changing our food habits towards natural and plant based food items is a game changer, when it comes to true Nature Care. Ideally the vegetables, fruits, pulses, rice and grains, herbs, spices and plant oils we consume, are regional. Only deserts regions or cold countries, with long winters and a limited vegetation, needed to be supplied by food items from other places. By consuming natural and plant based food we also eat more healthy as veggies are more easy to digest.
Nature Care also means to cultivate plants in natural way, with natural Pesticides like Neem and an intelligent crop rotation, to allow the soil to recover. These measures may reduce the production of organic food worldwide, but in general, we also need to reduce the amount of our food, especially when our body is overweight.
Holistic Nature Care includes animal protection in all aspects
Holistic Nature Care includes the protection of animals in general. For this, we should reduce or even avoid consuming animal products, like dairy goods, eggs, meat or fish. Best would be, if everybody would become vegetarian or vegan or at least follows the food habits of their anchestors, which were eating meat once at a time or in less amount. Hopefully more and more people are eating less meat as a good sign for humanity of ascending into higher states of consciousness.