New Earth

New Earth: Love, Peace, Freedom and Prosperity for All

Most of the people on earth are longing to live in love, peace and harmony, freedom and prosperity, with clean air, water and quality food, and where everyone has equal opportunities for a good living standard. This need not be a dream only. In fact, since several years, humanity is moving in the right direction, with peaceful and sustainable solutions, which allow even the poorest to live well. 

Many organizations, projects and start-ups offer new systems and models for fair trade and finance, free energy, righteous food supply, holistic healthcare, education and nature care are already available. All over the world, communities are developing, which are offering a natural and holistic way go living.

A parallel world is emerging, in which part of humanity creates a new world – the NEW EARTH. In our HAPPY NEW EARTH MAGAZINE you get an idea and “The Big Picture” of what this earth will look like. You will get the right orientation and information, about what is needed right now. We want to inspire you, to create something for NEW EARTH as well. Together we are strong to create “Paradise on Earth” and make this wonderful vision our reality.

New Earth

NEW EARTH: Step by Step to the highest Consciousness

According to UNIVERSAL WISDOM traditions like the VEDAS from ancient India and the Mayas, our Earth moved into a special astrological constellation with others planets of our solar system and the central sun. This leads to an elevation of earth’s vibration, which allows all beings to ascend into higher states of consciousness. 

It will take some time, until Earth is reaching its highest vibration, but there is already an increase in consciousness in many humans and animals visible. For example, more and more people all over the world are interested in healthy activities like fitness and conscious nutrition, where ethical animal husbandry plays a major role. 

People are also more interested in the philosophy and treatments of Holistic Health Systems like Ayurveda and Yoga, Chinese Medicine or European Naturopathy. This increase of consciousness in humanity has been predicted by many spiritual masters from different wisdom traditions and cultures. One of the seers of our current time is the brilliant DOLORES CANNON, a famous American hypnotherapist, who defined the term NEW EARTH.

Neue Erde
Planet of Love

NEW EARTH: Planet of unconditional Love

At the beginning of the last century, the first spiritual masters from India came to the West, like Paramahamsa Yogananda, Swami Shivananda and Swami Vivekananda. They introduced western people to ancient mental techniques like Meditation and Yoga, to promote their health and to raise their awareness and consciousness. The philosophy of these systems is based on unconditional love, as the fundament for a new society and a better world. 

Love is the strongest energy to neutralize negativy on a personal and global level and transform it into love energy. If we want to reach higher states of consciousness, we need to stay in the energy of unconditional love in all aspects of life, which includes our thinking, feeling, speaking and acting.

NEW EARTH is about unity, not separation. There is no duality. We are all connected and part of a whole. This is the main fundament  for tolerance and peaceful coexistence, regardless of what culture and religion a person belongs to. Ultimately, all beings of the universe have their origin in the same source, called God, Creator, Brahman, Allah or Ra, and for everyone of us, unconditional love is the goal.

NEW EARTH: An advanced place with modern Technologies

In fairy tales and in the mythology of many wisdom traditions, we find many examples, how spiritual masters and magicians use their mental power to materialize objects or get them extinguished. With their mental power they build temples and entire cities.

According to the universal laws, we possess the same creative potential like the universe and the great masters and create objects and our reality with the energies of our thoughts, feelings, words and actions. To create NEW EARTH, we only need to concentrate our thoughts, feelings, speech and actions on “Paradise on Earth”, but without any fear and doubts, because they disturb the process of manifestation or even makes it impossible. 

It’s best to remain optimistic and in the knowledge, that the best version of you and Mother Earth is already waiting for you – in another dimension. To evolve and to stay in the high vibration of optimism, love and joy, we need to be mindful and only think, feel, speak and act out of love. 

To generate high vibrations, we also need to meditate or perform sacred rituals and listen to high vibrational sounds and Mantras. Surround yourself with like-minded people, who are positive about the future of our planet and who are already active in creating something for NEW EARTH.

Neue Technologien KI
Power of unconditional Love

Create New Earth with your Mental Power

Living in harmony with nature does not mean returning to the Stone Age and living without electricity or computers. NEW EARTH is considered to be a very advanced place with modern technologies. Ancient drawings and texts from Egypt, China, Persia and from the Vedas, the Celts, the Mayans or the Incas reveal, that ancient civilizations already had ultra-modern spaceships and used the energy of the the sun and crystals. In NEW EARTH we will see far more environmentally friendly technologies, which are beyond our imagination, using free universal energy, where solar, hydro and wind energy is part of it. 

We will also find artificial intelligence, which is for the highest good of all beings and to make life easier for everyone. For example, AI, including robots, carry out physically heavy or complex and difficult work, without any effort and in the shortest time. The programmers of AI are highly conscious and only create software, which serve a higher purpose, such as better communication or achieving true health.

New Earth: A place with true Justice

As people become more aware, unfair methods and practices are also disappearing from our world. In NEW EARTH there will be justice for everyone. Recently, communities are developing, who follow their own laws with a legal system based on universal laws and unconditional love. There will be mainly judges, who are the magistrates of peace and practice true justice. 

In NEW EARTH there are more local governments, who work on regional concerns of a community – in a true transparent and democratic way. In every moment, we should ask ourselves, how our actions and decisions affect others. We should do, what brings us closer to “Paradise on Earth,” even if it means, to leave certain activities, which are harmful for other beings.


NEW EARTH is very natural

Imagine NEW EARTH like a modern garden park with space for wild nature. Houses are not higher than one or two floors and are surrounded by gardens, terrace- and roof gardens and greenhouses. Everywhere plant-based food, such as fruit, vegetables, salad and fresh herbs or nuts, seeds and lentil, is grown for personal use and for the community. 

There are also open green spaces for playing and for animals. Fresh water is either from natural springs or from salt water desalination plants, which are used on a large scale in NEW EARTH. Roads and transport systems with trains run mostly underground, while on the surface there are mainly buggies, mopeds and bicycles, which are not harmful for humans or animals.

original nature
Glückliche junge und alte Bauern, die im Garten arbeiten - Happy young and old farmers working with garden

NEW EARTH: Communities with a common Purpose

The cities of NEW EARTH are a conglomerate of many small villages, connected by a common center and a central market square. On the central square we find shops, restaurants, health centers, sports centers, administrative buildings, cinemas, museums and a community kitchen, which supplies all canteens, restaurants and food stores. 

This way no food will be wasted, because all leftover are processed to other food items for schools and other institutions. The “Centralization” bring people together in one place. This allows a better integration and support for weak, sick or disabled people, who in any case, have an active part in social and working life, each one according to his/her abilities. 

Each village has around 400-600 residents. This corresponds to the number of people, with whom we can form closer bonds according to the holistic teachings of the Vedas. Ideally, the villages have a specific motto and pursue a common goal, for example the production of sound instruments or sustainable clothing. Tools and materials are shared in the community. 

There are communities, which are engaged in agriculture or care for animals. Others look after tourism and offer space for events. This allow like-minded people to grow together, exchange ideas, inspire each other and create something great.

NEW EARTH: Living Side by Side with Animals

Animals are also evolving into higher States of consciousness. They want to live and learn from humans. With time, they became more peaceful as well. Some pets turned vegan, like dogs. In New Earth we communicate with animals, because we learned their language. Even wild animals such as lions, tigers, hyenas, alligators and lizards can be tamed. It is obvious, that it is possible to live side by side and in peace with wild animals, without any cages or fences.

Living together with animals
woman in the sun

NEW EARTH: Living on Light and Plants

There are numerous spiritual masters on earth, such as the Yogis in the Himalayas, who survive entirely without food and water. They live only from what they absorb through their skin and from sunlight and the life energy Prana. In NEW EARTH our food will be based on plants and light. Many people around the world already became vegetarians, vegans or flexitarians, with minimal consume of meat and fish. There are also many children, who reject meat as food and are very healthy.

Meat and other animal products such as milk or eggs will only be for sick and weak people, if necessary or medical reasons. Ideally, we only get animal products from cattle, that voluntarily share their treasures with us or aged and died in a natural way. A good interim solution is consuming meat made in laboratory, if produced ethically and in a healthy way.