Neue Schule Kinder experimentieren -New school children experiment

New School: Individual and Holistic Education

New School is about holistic education, where children are supported individually according to their abilities and talents, with teachers who are real role models.

New school - individual education for students

HOLISTIC LIVING includes Holistic  Education for everyone, especially children, because they are our future. It is the duty of a school to help a child become the best version of him/herself. This includes teaching him/her to remain in love or to develop love. This requires a different type of school, the New School, where teachers also have time and space to recognize a child’s potential and individually promote his/her talents and abilities.

School is not just a learning factory of facts and knowledge that turns curious, intelligent children into functioning obedient citizens. The New School with a holistic approach currently exists all over the world, especially in Germany, India and Africa.

New School like Ancient Schools

In ancient times they were ideal schools, located in the area of old India, China, Persia, Egypt and Greece and many other places. Children at the age of eight could enter special schools to learn special skills, like the wisdom of the Vedas and Yoga or Martial Arts. These schools are a good orientation to establish our New Schools. 

Holistic education of teachers in holistic universities

A teacher must be well trained to understand the complex nature of a child and to promote his/ her skills and talents. A good teacher also knows how to motivate a child to overcome his/ her fears. For this, teachers in general need special training. The best is a holistic education of teachers in holistic universities. They learn, what is really important in life: love, non-violence, tolerance, helpfulness, compassion, courage and inner strength for themselves and the students. 

Teachers are role models

In ancient Holistic Traditions like the Vedas, teachers are role models and practice holistic living. They also face their weaknesses and strengths and learn about unconditional love. For this they have to be trained in Holistic Universities, where the education is based on the ethics of love. A teacher who loves his/her students, will teach much more effectively and grasp more quickly, what a child personally needs for his/her development.

teaching of universal wisdom and ethics of love

A child needs to learn about the universal laws and about the laws of nature, not only in biology but in general. Non-violence, tolerance, willingness to help, compassion, courage and inner strength are the attributes of unconditional love, which allow a peaceful coexistence between individuals and real constructive cooperation. 

Learn from great masters

The greatest teachers of humanity such as the philosophers or masters and founders of great wisdom traditions such as Buddha or Jesus Christ, Confucius or Rumi passed their knowledge and the ethics of love without any religious or cultural dogmas. The holistically oriented “New School” also conveys this universal knowledge and the ethics of love in a non-dogmatic manner and without any connection to religious systems.

New School – Time and Space for Individual Development 

time and Space for free development

In New School children can take as much time and space as they need for their development, without restrictions or judgment. Some children, know exactly who they are and what they want. Others are undecided or blocked due to family or social problems. Every child should get the same opportunities to develop freely and explore his/her abilities, talents and potential and to make mistakes without consequences.

No Pressure

Now there are some private schools, such as free schools in Germany, who allow children to keep busy with whatever interests them at the moment. If gaming on cell phone is their main interest, they will be allowed to do so as long as they want. Over time, such an one-sided occupation gets uninteresting and they return to their main interests, which are part of their destiny. This happens intuitively, when children grow up without pressure and are raised in love.

Small classes and co-teachers in New School

For an individual education, classes in schools must be small and there must be more holistically trained teachers. In the Yoga tradition, 6-8 students per teacher are recommended. In special cases like a very intelligent student, a personal teacher is required, as Aristotle did for Alexander the Great. This gives the teacher enough time to respond to the individual needs of a child. 

Holistic education starts in pre-school

From a holistic perspective, the whole life is a school. Learning begins in the womb, when the unborn child listens to mother’s words . It has also been scientifically proven, that our brain continues to develop until the end of our life and builds up new neuronal connections and opens up new areas of the brain. In the first 3-4 years our ability to learn is on peak. 

real pre-schools for Kids

It is very important that our children are educated in early childhood. In addition to ethical social behavior, they also need to learn logical thinking, languages, writing and mathematics in a playful way. This is reality in India and in Asia since many years. Holistic education starts in pre-school with real pre-schools and holistically trained teachers. Kindergartens should become pre-schools  and teach children to learn in a playful way.

Gruppe von Schulkindern mit Lehrer auf dem Feld - Group of school children with teacher on field
Gruppe Schüler mit Lehrer die gemeinsam am Laptop lernen - Group of students and teacher learning together on the laptop
Zwei Schüler experimentieren gemeinsam mit der Lehrerin - Two students experiment together with the teacher

Learning for life

Children should learn at an early age what is really necessary to survive on earth. Indigenous tribes around the world have their own type of preschool where they introduce their children to hunting, farming, food preparation or animal care. In the new school, boys and girls can also learn the most important things about health care, nutrition, housekeeping, hygiene, crafts and nature conservation. The main is learning for life in New School.

Holistic education for ethical social behavior

With a Holistic Education, children must learn and practice ethical social behavior, which is based on the UNIVERSAL WISDOM and ETHICS OF LOVE right from the beginning at an early age until the end of their regular school. This way, children experience, what is true love, peace and harmony and can become the best version of themselves. 

The New School and preschool are places where compassion, tolerance, non-violence, helpfulness and gratitude are granted. These high values will be carried into society by these children, which are trained  to create new systems and methods for  the highest good of all and a NEW EARTH. 

Yoga in the New School

In New School and preschool, Yoga is always part of the program in order to promote the mental and physical development and health of children, without any religious dogmas or prohibitions. Physical exercises and breathing exercises in particular have an enormously beneficial effect on a child’s brain development. 

It is scientifically proven, that children who practice Yoga daily from a young age, have strong nerves and muscles, good balance and much better immunity and sleep. They also learn faster, concentrate better develop a strong memory and willpower. 

Eine Gruppe von Schülern die meditiert - A group of students meditating

Martial arts in New School

The physical and mental exercises in Martial Arts like Thai Chi, Chi Gong, Karate or Wu Wei, are also very beneficial for a child’s mental and physical development, as long as the philosophy is based on non-violence and love. Essentially, all major martial arts share the same truth and the ethics of love, but with different words, rituals and methods. 

The exercises help children to stay in balance and not to get distracted by external influences. Martial arts also help releasing the excess of energies in puberty. This results in happy children with great goals and love and non-violence as their life philosophy.

Meditation in New School

In the New School and preschool, Meditation is part of the program at every age. Daily meditation maximizes a child’s mental and motoric development. It has been scientifically proven, that regular Meditation creates synchronicity between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, stimulating neuronal growth and networking. Children who meditate, learn fast, understand and remember very complex contents. They are also able to keep the focus on something for many hours. 

Individual Meditation for children

Meditation has als a very relaxing effect and relieves anxiety for children, allowing them to develop their personality without fear. Teachers and students hould meditate together at school. This strengthens their connection and the teacher is also seen as a role model. The children are introduced to techniques from various wisdom traditions. 

This way they can choose, which technique responds most. The rule is to meditate at least one minute per year of life. Some children first need to learn to keep their concentration through creative activities such as drawing, painting, playing music or sports. Everything is allowed.

Gruppe von Schulkindern, die in der Schule rennen - Group of school kids running in school