Mann der Powernapping macht - Man taking power napping

Powernapping: Super Healthy and Energizing

Mit Powernapping kannst Du auf schnellstem Wege neue Energie tanken. Der Powernap hat einen sehr positive Effekt auf die Gesundheit und wirkt sogar verjüngend. Powernapping is a very effective method to get energized in seconds - with very positive effects on your health of your body and mind. It has also a rejunavating effect.

Get energized by Powernapping

A HOLISTIC LIFESTYLE is aligned with the basic needs of our body, especially our need to sleep. But if get only little sleep at night or your sleep is disturbed because of your profession, family situation or health, we habe a great solution for you. There is a very effective method to energize you instantly for many hours: Powernapping! Get energized in seconds by this ancient technique without any side-effects. 

Physical and mental recovery in a few seconds with a Short nap

This easy technique works perfectly even in stressful situations, when you are too excited but tired at the same time. You get physical and mental recovery in a few seconds with Powernapping. There many ways to do it:

  1. Take a bunch of keys in your hand and sit in a comfortable chair in a quiet room. Now close your eyes and keep the keys in your hand. When you fall asleep, you will drop them and wake up. These few seconds of sleep are extremely restorative and give you energy for a few hours.

  2. Sit down in a comfortable chair in a quiet place and close you eyes. Set an alarm with soft tunes to ensure you don’t oversleep and disrupt your regular sleep schedule.

  3. Sit down in a comfortable chair in a quiet place and listen to relaxing music or Mantras. Set an alarm to ensure you don’t oversleep. 

  4. Lay down in bed in a quiet place and close your eyes. Set an alarm with soft tunes or ask somebody to take yo up gently. 

Best time for a nap

Best time for a nap is whenever you feel like, especially in the afternoon, when the energy level of your body decreases due to hard work in the morning. Don’t sleep right after a meal, because sleeping decreases your digestion activities. 

Powernapping improves alertness, productivity and creativity

Powernapping can also last longer between 10 to 30 minutes. It is designed to provide a quick burst of energy and improve alertness, productivity and creativity. This technique is widely used by top managers, physicians, in particular surgeons, or athletes and people, who are traveling a lot and between different time zones. 

Few seconds of sleep give you power for many hours

Benefits of Powernapping for health

There are several benefits of a short nap for health. Firstly, it can help to improve cognitive functions, concentration and memory, allowing you to perform better mentally. Secondly, powernapping can boost mood and reduce stress. When you’re feeling tired or overwhelmed, a quick nap can help you relax and recharge, leading to a more positive outlook and improved emotional well-being.

Additionally, powernapping has been found to have positive effects on cardiovascular health. Studies on Powernapping have shown that regular napping can lower the risk of heart disease and reduce blood pressure. Short naps has been shown to also improve our immunity and our hormonal balance. 

Furthermore, these short naps can improve physical performance and athletic abilities. It helps in muscle recovery and reduces fatigue, allowing you to perform better during workouts or sports activities. The best thing about powernapping is that it has a regenerating and rejuvenating effect on cells and tissues. Regular napping induces selfhealing and Anti-aging without any costs. If you suffer from Burnout, Powernapping is an absolute must.

Self-healing, rejuvenation and anti-aging

Even in ancient times, people knew about the healing, rejuvenating effects and anti-aging effects of power napping. This is because in the seconds of absolute relaxation, cells regenerate and detoxify, producing substances that stop aging and even rejuvenate. Powernapping promotes the production of growth hormones and other neurohormones in the brain, which bring us self-healing, rejuvenation and anti-aging.

Joy and happiness through Powernapping

Another thing: Powernapping improves your mood. Even a short nap will help you regain your mental strength. Powernapping promotes the production of serotonin and other neurohormones in the brain, which help us gain a positive attitude and even feel joy and happiness again.

Integrate Powernapping in your daily routine

No matter if you are at work or are at home, integrate short naps into your daily life by creating a designated space for napping. This could be in your office or meditation place in your house. Take a comfortable chair or a cozy corner with soft lighting. Other relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or meditation, before and after your powernap, enhance the effectiveness of a short nap.