Products for Spiritual Practice - Dream Catcher

Great Products for Spiritual Practice: Energizing and Highly Uplifting

Here you find Great Products for Spiritual Practice, which have an energizing and highly uplifting effect or just bring instant joy and happiness.

Great Products for Spiritual Practice: Energizing and Highly Uplifting

A HOLISTIC LIFESTYLE is about getting and staying connected with the our universal energies. To promote this connection, we can use certain utensils for our spiritual practice, which have a high vibration due to their energy pattern or they release energy, while using them, like musical instruments. Such Products for Spiritual Practice existed in almost all cultures for thousands of years, just in modified forms. They bring us directly to the highest dimensions, where we immediately connect with the universal source of life energies. 

Most Products for Spiritual Practice are handmade, because the energy of the maker affects the product. Many artisans manufacture these items for several generations and lifetimes and work with the highest level of consciousness. It is always better buy Products for Spiritual Practice by touching and feeling them.This way you find out, if they have an energizing and uplifting effect on you.You can also observe your emotions, if you see the image of a product online. 

Halbedelsteine Schmuck - Semi-precious stone jewelry

Great Products for Spiritual Practice: Energizing Yantras

One of the most energizing Products for Spiritual Practice are Yantras, which are geometric multi-dimensional diagrams with symmetrical patterns, aligned to a central point. The center represents the highest universal energy. The patterns are designed in a way, that they create a high vibration. The viewer is magically drawn to the Yantra and immerses himself into the highest dimensions. It completely absorbs him and put him into Meditation and connect him with the highest universal energy.

You can buy Yantras as colored wall hangings or as gold or copper plates. A good source for Yantras is Rudraksha Ratna from India, based in Mumbai, which deliver them all over the world since 1997. There are also two- and three dimensional Yantras made of rock crystal, for example from the Spiritbalanceshop. You can also buy them directly in India, Nepal or Tibet in special shops and artists, which are mostly located near large and important temples.


Meru Shree Yantra Pyramid


Yantra as a gold plate

There are more wonderful products for spiritual practice like Yantras. The word Yantra comes from Sanskrit and means energetic framework. According to the Vedas, who lived in ancient India for thousands of years. They know about the universal laws and shared their UNIVERSAL WISDOM and showed techniques to humans, how they can stay connected with the universal forces. One of the best tools are the Yantras, which are a pictorial representation of divine energies. They also exist, in modified forms, in ancient Mayans, Aztecs, Incas culture and the Aborigines. 

There are different Yantras for your spiritual practice with different energy patterns, all representing positive energies and neutralizing negative forces. The most common is the Sri Yantra, which represents the energy of Laxmi, the divine mother. It depicts circles, triangles and dots as well as the Mahalaxmi Mantra, which runs as a lettering around the Yantra. 

Simply drawing a Yantra has a highly uplifting effect. According to the Vedic teachings of Tantra, if you concentrate on a specific Yantra over weeks, months and years, you can reach enlightenment. This form of meditation is also called Yantra Yoga.

Great Products for Spiritual Practice: Incense Sticks

Incense sticks are one of the most important Products for Spiritual Practice. The smoke is an entitity from higher dimensions. Natural and noble fragrances such as patchouli, frankincense, sandalwood, saffron, tree resins, cedar, myrrhe, cloves, citrus, pepper, valerian, sweet root and many other plants have an immediate uplifting effect and has been used for thousands of years in every culture by priests and saints.

One of the main activities in  spiritual  practice is to clean negative energies in the atmosphere and create positive vibes, which takes us to higher dimensions. Incense sticks are primarily used for rituals to establish a strong connection to the highest universal energy. India is the largest producer of incense sticks. 

They are available handmade or machine made. In Mysore they are emade from pure sandalwood. You can get pure products from Sadhguru’s ISHA Foundation in India, whom we like to support also because of his Save Soil Project to combat world hunger. To manufacture an incense stick, a paste is made from the powder of plant substances and water, which is pressed onto a small bamboo stick. After drying, which can take several days, the incense sticks are ready for use. 

The effect of incense sticks depends on the properties of the plants. In general, they clear the mind and have a very relaxing effect. Frankincense, myrrh and cloves also have are very beneficial for the lungs and can be used therapeutically for respiratory diseases. Usually a prayer is said and ritual actions are carried out, which are strengthen the ritual energetically. The use of incense sticks is also part of the Vedic tradition to feel good and relax instantly, not only in Asian countries, but all over the world.


Isha Foundation - incense sticks for your spiritual practice

Great Products for Spiritual Practice: Singing Bowls

The most effectic Products for Spiritual Practice work with sounds, like Singing bowls. These are metal bowls made of brass, which are used for certain spiritual rituals and ceremonies. The high-frequent sound cleanses the energy of the environment and at the same time increases it. They are simply great for immediate dissolving of stress and getting into the high vibration of joy and happiness. 

The sounds emanating from these ancient brass bowls are out of this world. The healing vibrations are not only energizing but also cleansing negativities. As soon as you hear the first sounds, you suddenly stop thinking and enter a meditative state. 

They are available in different sizes and forms. Mostly singing bowl come from India, Tibet and Nepal. It’s best to try them out in a shop first and feel whether the sound takes you to infinity. You can get really good singing bowls from Peter Hess or from the Himalaya Shop. They get them manufactured from artisans family in Nepal, who make the singing bowls with love since many generations.

The vibrations of the bowl are also used therapeutically. There are singing bowl Massages where the bowl is placed directly on the CHAKRAS, our energy centers, and on vital points or on sick and weak parts of the body. The vibrations release energetic blockages, so that life energy can freely flow through the body again. The Massages with several singing bowls are also very effective, as they immediately harmonize the energy flow of the body. 


Original Tibetan singing bowl - 800g, 15cm


Original singing bowls Peter Hess - 900-1000G, 21cm

Great Products for Spiritual Practice: Hang and Handpan

Another Products for Spiritual Practice, which works with sounds are instruments called Hang, which creates cosmic sounds and allows you to enter a trance-like meditative state. It looks like a small UFO and is made of sheet steel. On the upper side there are sound fields, that were hammered into the sheet metal. The Swiss Felix Rohner and Sabina Schärer are the inventors of the sound sculpture, as they call it, because every Hang has its own shape and its own sound. 

At the end of 2013, the construction on the Hang was stopped after 13 years. Since then, there are many different other providers calling it a Handpan. You don’t need any training to play a Handpan. It is played with fingers and hands and held horizontally or vertically on the lap. Beginners should start with a pan with maximum 7-10 fields. 

Advanced players can play, also with fields on the bottom. There are also 432 Hz Handpans, which have a frequency with a very calming effect on the mind. Before you buy a Handpan you should rent one first. This way you will find out for yourself, if the instrument is right for you and how many fields you need. On the Handpan Portal. you can see the products and can ask to test them.


Gladfresit Handpan 432HZ - in harmony with the soul