Effective Anti Aging and Rejuvenation: Everything is possible
In HOLISTIC LIVING we do almost everything to stay healthy and maintain our youth. There are different ways to stop aging and to rejuvenate. Here we present you the most important remedies.
Regarding Rejuvenation there is a beautiful story from ancient India. There was an Indian princess, who just didn’t like any man, her parents introduced to her. The king had enough and ordered her to marry the next man, she would meet in the palace. Unfortunately she crossed an old man, who was in charge to predict the future for the king.
Knowing that his physical situation would never allow him to have children, he asked for a few months to visit his guru to ask him for advice. After a while he returned back to the palace, but this time as a young, strong man. He married the princess and they had many children and a wonderful life.
It is well known that Yogis can perform miracles. In fact, there are more and more people in this world, who combat age and physically remain in their 20s and 30s, even though they are already in their 50s or 60s. What they all have in common is, that they live a very healthy life, each in their own individual way – and that is the secret.
Anti-aging and rejuvenation is the natural side effect of a holistic individual lifestyle, that takes universal laws into account. It’s not just about not getting sick, but also about doing everything you can, to counteract or even reverse the aging process with all your activities.
In Holistic Health Systems such as Ayurveda, Yoga or Chinese medicine, great importance is placed on a healthy daily routine with sufficient sleep and breaks for relaxation, a nutrition, which is well digested and various activities, which bring energy and do not drain it. It is important to keep the focus on health and rejuvenation, no matter what is happening around us. Now it is the nature of humans, to constantly get distracted. To keep our focus on health and rejuvenation, a daily routine is necessary. Which nutrition and activities are healthy and rejuvenating, varies from person to person.
Here we introduce you to the most effective anti-aging and rejuvenation measures, that are recommend for thousands of years, with technics to revitalize cells and tissues in the body on a mental and physical level. Nevertheless, everyone has to find out, what is helpful for him/her and integrate it in his/her daily routine.
Anti-Aging and Rejuvenation with the right Mindset
You can only stop the aging process and rejuvenate, if you really believe in it and trust, that everything is possible. There is an universal law, which says that everything you say, think, feel and do is energy and is amplified by the universe and becomes your reality. With this in mind, you can direct your thoughts, feelings, words and actions towards staying young and rejuvenating yourself to an age of your choice.
Anti-Aging and Rejuvenation through a stress-free, fulfilled and happy Life
Constant stress makes you old. This is due to the fact, that cells and tissues cannot regenerate properly under the influence of stress hormones such as cortisol and therefore age prematurely. The best thing to do, is to eliminate everything from your life, that causes stress. For example, you can change your job or look for another partner, but never stay in an unhappy and stressful life situation. It is also important, that you have clear ideas about how you want to live.
Find out, what makes you happy and work step by step to realize your dream life. In the end, it’s about experiencing love and letting it flow in all aspects of life, through loving relationships, health, success and prosperity.

Photo Pexels by Andrea Piacquadio: Stress-free and fulfilling work
Anti Aging and Rejuvenation through deep Meditation
To stopping aging and rejuvenating you need to stay calmly and in equanimity in difficult situations, which arise at any time in life. The most effective method to stay mentally in balance is Meditation. When meditating, we connect with the highest universal energy source, which brings us in a higher vibration, from which we can think and act optimistic, clear and solution-oriented. We make the right decisions, which allow us to solve problems quick and easy. We make the right choice, when it comes to the right food or activities, which energize and rejuvenate us.
This works best, if we meditate for at least an hour in the morning and ideally in the evening too. It has been scientifically proven, that regular deep Meditation creates new neural connections in the brain, that help us stay calm in stressful situations. At the same time, old neuron strands are dissolved, which, for example, trigger panic in us, when something goes wrong. This also applies to neuron structures, which we have inherited.

Photo Pexels by cottonbro studio
Effective Anti-Aging and Rejuvenation through Energy Work and Chakra Meditation
Similarly, the rejuvenation process is initiated by deep Meditation. The most effective method for rejuvenation is the Chakra Meditation, which, by the way, exists in different forms as energy work in every wisdom tradition. One after the other, we concentrate on the energy centers in our body, the chakras, and bring healing and rejuvenating light into them, which is the life energy from the universe. The more intensively you meditate on your Chakras, the more your cells and tissue will regenerate.
It’s best to start with a guided Chakra Meditation, until you know exactly, where the individual Chakras are located. After some time, you can do your own Meditation, where you specifically focus on areas in your body, which need to be strengthened and rejuvenated. Only the universal life energy can stop the aging process and rejuvenate your body.
Effective Anti-Aging and Rejuvenation through intensive breathing
You can increase the absorption of life energy through breathing exercises. In Yoga there are special breathing exercises, called Pranayama, in which you inhale deeply into your stomach several times. You can perform certain movements that you synchronize with your inhalation and exhalation. We find the same principle in Thai Chi and Chi Gong and in the warm-up exercises of traditional Asian martial arts.
The combination of exercise and intensive breathing brings life energy deep into your cells with a highly regenerating and revitalizing effect, which is further enhanced when you perform these exercises in the fresh air with high oxygen levels. But never get exhausted.
Anti-Aging + Rejuvenation with Natural Remedies
Effective Anti-Aging and Rejuvenation with adequate Sleep
We rejuvenate in our sleep. This is due to our neurohormones, which are produced in the brain during deep sleep between 10 p.m. and 3 a.m. and get released early in the morning. They stop the aging process and rejuvenate. During deep sleep, the liver detoxifies and cleanses the blood from metabolic waste and acids, which also has a very rejuvenating effect. Therefore, it is important to sleep before midnight.
A regular life with an evening ritual help to fall asleep quickly and get restful sleep. Avoid watching movies or news on your tv, mobile or computer, at least w hours before your sleep, because the light of the screen disturbs the production of your sleep hormone Melatonin.

Photo Pexels by Kampus Production
Effective Anti-Aging and Rejuvenation with a healthy Daily Routine
In order to regenerate and rejuvenate the body, we need a healthy daily routine, with fixed times for sleeping, eating, working and leisure time. The duration of sleep varies from person to person. This also applies to the number of meals and working hours, which depend on a person’s constitution and current state of health. From a holistic perspective, weak and sick people should eat more often and work less than healthy people with a strong body.
The extent of physical activities also depend on a person’s current state of health. If you want to rejuvenate yourself, you should not exhaust yourself, but maintain your energy and, ideally, gain even more energy. All activities should take place at the same time of the day. This way the body doesn’t get stressed by constant changes. In the end, everything we do, should recharge us energetically, bring joy and is meaningful for us.
Effective Anti-Aging and Rejuvenation by drinking pure Water
Our body consists of 70-80 percent water. In order to prevent aging and to stimulate the rejuvenation process, we must maintain or restore the water content of our body, by drinking plenty of pure water throughout the day. Ideally, it has a low content of sodium and other minerals, so that water flows from the blood into the cells. When we are under chronic stress, more water gets out through our kidneys, which dries the body causes aging. That’s exactly why it’s so important, to minimize stress in life.
Effective Anti-Aging and Rejuvenation with proper Nutrition
To rejuvenate, we need really good food. Which foods, drinks and dishes are best, varies from person to person and depends on a person’s origin, constitution, state of health and current DIGESTION POWER. Basically, you can say, that the food should be completely digested, so that all the good substances get into the body and don’t get sluggish by indigestion, which harms the body.
The food should be fresh, natural and alkaline, because our cells can only rejuvenate in an alkaline environment. This means, that we should eat more sweet, ripe fruits, lentils, nuts, kernels and seeds, vegetables and herbs with bitter substances. At the same time, we must avoid acidic or acidifying foods, such as tomatoes, vinegar, citrus fruits, nightshades, cheese, coffee and alcohol or only consume them in small amount.
For successful rejuvenation, we also need to feed our good intestinal bacteria, because they deacidify and detoxify our intestines. They ensure that acids and toxins do not get into our blood. They also form precursors of hormones with a regenerating and rejuvenating effect on our cells and tissues.
That’s why it’s so incredibly important, that we adjust our nutrition to the needs of our good intestinal bacteria. This includes easy to digest food items like fresh fruit, vegetables, herbs and spices, salad and grain alternatives, which are rich in bioactive substances and fiber. Truly fresh foods are also full of life energy, which is necessary for the rejuvenation process.
To rejuvenate, we also need good nutrients, which rebuild and maintain our cells and tissues. These include “Easy to digest” proteins from lentils, algae, nuts, seeds and kernels. Depending on your health, it may also be necessary to nourish your body with protein from animals like sea fish.
We also need the right fats, which are essential for maintaining and regenerating our cell walls and nerve sheaths and for producing rejuvenating hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, testosterone. These includes unsaturated fatty acids, which we find in vegetable oils and ghee, the clarified butter, but also animal fats, like Omega fat acids from sea fish.

Photo Pexels by Ali Dashti
Effective Anti-Aging and Rejuvenation with Supplements
We humans have always taken nutritional supplements in the form of medicinal herbs and minerals, to strengthen our body and treat illnesses. Our ancestors used remedies from their immediate surroundings. Today we get supplements from all over the world. However, we should only choose preparations, which are natural and made without chemical additives. They best are from our genetic homeland, i.e. the area from which our ancestors came from or which they consumed themselves.
Alkaline remedies and bitter herbs are best for regeneration and rejuvenation. Especially the juice and gel of the aloe vera plant as well as curcuma, coriander, cinnamon, saffron and ginger, have a strong rejuvenating effect. There are also rejuvenating remedies with hormonal ingredients, like yams root, which contain Diosgenun, which is similar to progesterone. Shatavari, chickpeas and soy contain phytoestrogens, which also have a very rejuvenating effect. These remedies are ideal for women with low hormone levels and during/after menopause.

Photo Pexels by Supplements On Demand: Anti-Aging and rejuvenation through the right nutritional supplements
Effective Anti-Aging and Rejuvenation by Focussing
Just do your best to maintain your vitality and rejuvenate yourself. Don’t get irrupted by others, who don’t believe in it. Everything is possible, including overcoming fatal illnesses and finding back to your youthful energy from a desolate state of health. Not all of us are masters of rejuvenation and know the tricks, that will magically return us to youth, but at least everyone can, with a little training and the right lifestyle, rejuvenate 10-30 years.
And one more thing: Don’t celebrate your birthday. This sounds crazy, but with every birthday and the age you mention in words, thoughts and feelings, you program your subconscious mind, that you have become one year older and that has an aging effect.