Großartige spirituelle Bücher zur Bewusstseinserweiterung - Great spiritual books for expanding consciousness

Great Spiritual Books for Ascending into Higher Consciousness

Here we introduce you to truly great and extraordinary Spiritual books which are life-changing and will expand your consciousness.

Lifechanging Spiritual Books

HOLISTIC LIVING is focused on expanding our consciousness. An important toll for our journey are Spiritual Books, which give us explanation and insides and help us reaching higher states of consciousness. While reading we dive into higher dimensions and comprehend, who we are and understand the interconnections between ourselves and the universe. 

Here we introduce you to outstanding spiritual books which have already transformed millions of people. Everyone should read these classics – then for sure – our world would be a much better place.

Spiritual Books: The Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahamsa Yogananda

Steve Jobs admitted in an interview, that he reads Yoganandas autobiography at least once a year and always gets new information. Even Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates are fans of this extraordinary book, which describes a Yogi’s enlightenment first hand. The book was published in 1946 and has been translated into 52 languages. It is an entertaining adventure novel and a spiritual textbook at the same time.

Yogananda describes growing up in 19th century in India in Kalkutta. He describes his encounters with enlightened Yoga masters in India and the Himalayas, their extraordinary abilities and the miracles they perform, which will leave you absolutely speechless. Being a spiritual master, Yogananda then travels from India to the USA and Europe, where he spreads the universal teachings of unconditional love. His light shines through every word and line he wrote.

He emphasizes, that we are all connected to one another through love, which is seen as the key to happiness and fulfillment in all wisdom traditions and religions. When it comes to spiritual books, The Autobiography of a Yogi the top book. In fact, it has an immediate elevating effect on your consciousness as soon as you open the book and makes you want to read it again and again.

Yogananda Autobiografie eines Yogi - Yogananda Autobiography of a Yogi

Spiritual Book: The Autobiography of a Yogi

Spiritual Books: The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy

It is considered as „The Book“ for positive thinking. It is one of the best spiritual books and was written by the American Dr. Joseph Murphy and published in the USA, California in 1962. Murphy is an Irish author with a Christian pantheist background, which means, that he believes that all religions have essentially the same message to bring to humanity. In a very impressive way this book teaches millions of readers around the world, how to consciously change their subconscious mind through positive thinking and thereby overwrite negative programs. This book has been translated into 65 languages so far.

Negative beliefs in particular are the reason, why we don’t make progress in life and even fail in certain areas. Dr. Murphy describes in an impressive way and with numerous case studies, how easy we can find into a real happy, healthy and fulfilled life with the right beliefs and thinking.

Spiritual Books: The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth by Dolores Cannon

With this special book from 2011, the American hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon, who has written many outstanding spiritual books, defined the modern concept of the New Earth. It’s about the current raising of humanity’s consciousness, which is taking place in three waves. Dolores Cannon received this information from her clients during hypnosis and summarized it in her book.

It describes, that our earth develops a higher vibration due to a specific planetary constellation towards various star systems, which is accompanied by an increase of the consciousness of all living beings. This also corresponds with the astrological predictions of the Vedas, the Buddhists, the Mayans and the Kabbalah, which predicted the end of the old world and the beginning of a New Age. It’s about a NEW EARTH, in which love reigns and which will last for thousands of years.

The increase of consciousness started many decades ago, for example with spiritual masters such as Paramahamsa Yogananda or Swami Vivekananda, who traveled from India to the West at the beginning of the 20th century. These Master Minds passed their universal knowledge to people in the West as an orientation, how we humans live a truly happy and fulfilled life in love and peace. Only after World War II this knowledge became popular, especially in Europe and the USA, where people developed a real Yoga culture outside India, and which is about to spread worldwide.

Cannon explains that volunteers from other dimensions and planets come to Earth and help us to increase the energy. These so-called Starseeds possess special skills and knowledge. With her book, she provides us with important information about New Earth like what to expect and how each and everyone can assist this ascension process.

Spiritual Books: Now! The power of the present by Eckhard Tolle

In his book “Now!”, the German author Eckhardt Tolle describes his state of enlightenment and brings millions of people into the vibration of the present moment. It’s the Now moment, where we feel the connection to the universal energies and our life energy. Tolle describes, how we can experience the moment in daily life and how powerful this state of being is. There are many spiritual books, but only a few, in which the words immediately change and increase the reader’s consciousness. Everyone should read this beautiful book, which Tolle published in 2010.

Eckhart Tolle Jetzt Die Kraft der Gegenwart - The Power of New

Spiritual Book: Eckhart Tolle “The Power of Now” in German “Jetzt! Die Kraft der Gegenwart”