Spirituality in Daily Life: Align Yourself with the Highest Source of Energy
In HOLISTIC LIVING, Spirituality plays a major in life, with activities, which help to stay centered and in love, even if the world collapses around us. This is only possible by focusing your attention on the highest energy universal source, which supplies us with energy and. In our Magazine we introduce you to ancient techniques from different knowledge traditions like Yoga, Sufismus, Kabbalah or Buddhism, who share the same essence: to live in love – in all aspects of life.
Your Thoughts, Feelings, Words and Actions become your Reality
According to universal laws, and the UNIVERSAL WISDOM, everything is energy and has an effect. This includes our thoughts, feelings, words and actions, which we should choose wisely. Spirituality in daily life means thinking, feeling, speaking and acting in a way, which is for the highest good of all living beings and an expression of unconditional love. It also means, that we align our thoughts and feelings, our language and our actions with what fulfills us personally and gives us strength, for example our dreams and wishes.
Spirituality in Daily Life: Time and Space for yourself
Align your thoughts, feelings, language and actions with the fulfillment of your desires. For this mindfulness you need time and space for yourself. Plan at least 1-2 hours a day for this, preferably early in the morning immediately after getting up and before going to sleep. You can meditate and/or just close your eyes.
Spirituality in Daily Life: Connect with Your Higher Self
In Moments of silence and Meditation you can hear your inner voice. It comes from directly your Higher Self, your soul, which is infused with the energies of your spiritual guides. These can be your ancestors or heavenly beings, who connect you with higher dimensions and energies. In any case, your Higher Self always knows, what is good and right for you and what fulfills you.
Let yourself be guided into happiness by listening to your inner voice. This is only possible, if your mind is still. Everyone can this state, for example through Meditation or with creative work, where we are highly concentrated, like writing, drawing, painting, sewing, cooking and even with dancing or hiking.

Spirituality in Daily Life: Be Grateful
According to the universal laws, wishes and dreams come true, when we consider them to be already fulfilled. Spirituality in daily life means expressing our gratitude with our thoughts, feelings, words and actions, that our desires have come true, even if they are not. For example, if you want a new car, but don’t know how to pay for it, you can thank the universe in your mind for the great car, which you can already see in your mind’s eye. Be grateful for the little things the universe gives you. This way you get more and more of it.
Align your Thoughts, Feelings, Words and Actions to what is fulfilling you
Whether unconsciously or consciously, all your words in thoughts and speech, feelings and actions are amplified by the universe and become your reality. You are a powerful transmitter of energies, which is manifesting 24/7 hours. Be mindful and pay attention to your words, feelings and actions and align them, with what you really want to experience in your life, for example love on all aspects of your life, absolute health, abundance and prosperity, peace and freedom, willpower, joy and contentment, clarity and intuition as well as maximum fulfillment. This is spirituality in daily life.
Spirituality in Daily Life: Effortless Manifesting
To bring your goals into reality, you have to follow a few rules. If you have too many thoughts in your head, it will be difficult for your wishes to come true, especially if they contradict each other. It’s also possible that you haven’t fully defined your desire yet and it’s vaguely floating around in your cloud of thoughts. The more clearly you describe your goals and see the desired result, the faster it will manifest itself in your life.
First define what exactly you want from the universe and then focus on your goals with every words, thought, feeling and action. To do this, you need time and space for yourself and mindfulness to continually align yourself with your goals. Meditating helps you maintain your focus, ideally for an hour. This is real spirituality in daily life.
Align your Thoughts with your Goals
Feel your Higher Self - Feel the right Decisions
Is it difficult for you to make decisions? Then take time and space to feel within yourself, what is right for you now. Let your higher self decide. Imagine you have two options. The first option feels light and good and the second option gives you a bad feeling, especially in your stomach. Always choose the good feelings, even if it means the end of a friendship or financial loss or leaving your comfort zone.
Don’t cling to your current reality and allow the universe to beam you to a higher level, into a life that serves your highest good, where you can develop your full potential. This is spirituality in daily life.
Spirituality in Daily Life: Finish Your Projects
You’ve been putting off your project(s) for weeks, months and years. Do you find many different excuses, for not tackling and finishing it/ them, because you are afraid or just don’t feel uninspired?
In order to regain clarity about your project(s), you should take a few hours and think about it. To do this, you need a lot of peace and a calm head to hear your inner voice, which tells you, what to do. Remember why you started the project(s) and how much enthusiasm you had at the beginning. If you feel that your work is an enrichment for you and humanity, then carry on. Reserve a few hours every day and work on it, not just on the weekend, so you stay in the energy of your creativity and continue to develop it.
But if you come to the realization that your project(s) no longer make sense for you, then end it. Instead, think about a new project, which brings more fun for you and align with your Dharma. Start as soon as possible. Creativity is important for your development. This is also spirituality in daily life.