Upgrade mit Superfoods

Upgrade with Superfoods: Best ingredients for your Meal

Upgrade with Superfoods: Optimize your meal with ingredients with a high amount of vital substances, vitamins, minerals and nutrients - at home or at a restaurant.

Optimize YOur Food: Upgrade with Superfoods

In HOLISTIC NUTRITION every meal should be rich in vitamins, minerals, nutrients and fibers as well as bioactive substances that stimulate our metabolism and/or have a detoxifying, purifying, deacidifying or a strong nourishing effect. If possible, upgrade your meal with superfoods like fresh organic herbs, salads, vegetables, nuts and seeds herbs and spices, oils, nuts and seeds, especially when you eat in a restaurant.

Often you get food of low quality, because most places don’t serve organic food or fresh ingredients or only give little. Here are a few ideas for a quick upgrade with superfoods – at your home and or To Go. You can easily store your superfoods in small containers and take them everywhere.

Upgrade with Superfoods like fresh organic salad

This Upgrade with superfoods is very easy. Just sprinkle some leaves on top of your meal. Leafy salads, especially those with bitter substances, like rucola and endividie support digestion. They contain Chlorophyll, which is anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic effect. This feeds our good bacterias in our microbiom, which are important for immunity, hormonal balance and a proper metabolism and detox. For this reason, we need to feed our bacterias well and salads are an easy option.

Upgrade your food mit frischen Rocola Salat auf Glutenfreie Pizza - Upgrade your food to gluten-free pizza with fresh Rocola salad

Photo Kalpana Bandecar

Upgrade with Superfoods: Seed Oils or Ghee

We need to consume healthy oil with a physiological amount of good fats for our body, especially nerves. Generally don’t eat at places, where oil in low quality is used, because it causes blockages in your body. An Upgrade with Superfoods like organic seed oil from olives, sesame, pumpkin or linseed, with a high amount of unsaturated fats, will enhance the quality of  your meal. 

Take a small bottle with you and pour it over your salad or vegetables. You can do this at home and even in restaurants. Seed oils are also very important to bring minerals and vitamins deep into our tissues and cells. You can also add Ghee, clarified butter, to your meal, which promotes digestion and the detox of tissues and cells, as waste and acidic metabolism products are washed out by Ghee.

Add boiled organic vegetables

Most restaurants don’t serve organic vegetables or the veggie portion is very small. For this reason bring your own veggies in a glass or thermos container. Add to hot meals like soups, stews or curries or mix them into your salad.

Add vegan spreads

Many times the meal is too dry or the gravy or dressing is too less, untasty or contains ingredients, which are harmful for body. In this case you can add vegan spreads from boiled mashed vegetables, roasted seeds and kernels, plant oils, salt and fresh herbs and spices.

Upgrade with Superfoods like seeds and nuts

Chia seeds, sesame or linseeds, pine or sunflower kernels almonds, walnuts or cashews upgrade every dish with salads or vegetables. They contain a lot of minerals and vitamins, essential amino acids and unsaturated good fatty acids. An Upgrade with Superfoods like seeds and nuts enriches your meal with precious proteins and fats.

Upgrade with Superfoods: Fresh herbs and spices

A meal with pasta, potatoes, rice or lentils and vegetables can be easily upgraded with fresh organic herbs and spices. These gifts of nature belong to every meal. They have a highlydigestive properties and enrich our food with valuable vitamins, minerals and bioactive substances like etheric oils. Green fresh herbs and salads also contain chlorophyll, which brings light energy to our body and has an invigorating effect. 

This Upgrade with Superfoods should become a routine for you. Carry a small box or glas with you, where you can add all these marvellous gifts from heaven in your food wherever you are: at home, at work or in a restaurant. 

Add fresh organic Basil

Basil contains a high proportion of B Vitamins and Vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, some magnesium and iron. The etheric oils stimulate the digestion system, respiratory tract, is great for cleansing and detox and strengthens our immune system. Just sprinkle them over your food or prepare a vegan Pesto.

Great Meals with Superfoods 

Add fresh organic Dill

Dill is great for mild dishes like vegetables and fish. It contains a lot Vitamin A, calcium and valuable essential oils. Dill works against cramps. It has a digestive effect, is diuretic, anti-inflammatory, nourishes the nerves.and relaxes the smooth muscles of the digestive-, urinary- and genital tract.

Upgrade with Superfoods: Fresh Ginger

Upgrade with Superfoods like Ginger, which brings your meal or drink on the next level. Fresh ginger brings an intense spicy note to your food. The main ingredients Gingerol and other essential etheric oils have a highly digestive effect. Cut a small part of the root into slices or grind it and mix it with your food or hot water, coffee or tea. Ginger contain lots of Vitamin A, B-Vitamins, magnesium, iron, calcium and phosphorus. 

Dried ginger powder is more intense and has a stronger warming and drying effect. Ginger activates the metabolism and is detoxifying and desinfecting. Fresh ginger  also dissolves mucus, especially in the respiratory tract, just in a  few minutes. This is great treat in any kind of cough and cold.

Upgrade with Superfoods: Fresh Coriander

Sprinkle fresh Coriander leaves in your salad, soup or lentils. It has amazing antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, which are stronger than most of the antibiotics. You can also prepare a Pesto with Coriander. It contains lots of essential oils, chlorophyll and bitter substances. It relieves cramps. promotes digestion, cleansing and has a strong Detox effect, especially of heavy metals such as lead, cadmium and mercury. Fresh coriander is also rich in Vitamin C.

Add fresh organic Cress

Cress goes well with mild dishes like vegetables or salads. The small leaves must be consumed quickly, otherwise the vitamins will wither. It contains lots of many B Vitamins, Vitamin C, iron, phosphorus, the trace element, chrome, magnesium, calcium, potassium and mustard oil. It has a cleansing and disinfecting effect on the gastrointestinal and urinal tract.

Upgrade with Superfoods like fresh Garlic

An Upgrade with Superfoods like Garlic bring a spicy note in your food. Cut fresh Garlic in slices or grind it and add it to your food. The main ingredient in Garlic, Alicin, has an highly digestive effect, but it is also desinfectant and anti-cancerogenous with lots of B Vitamins, Vitamins A, C and Potassium, Copper, Molybden, Iodine and Germanium. Garlic also has the the highest content of Selen of all food items.

Knoblauch - garlic

Photo Pexels by Jievani

Add fresh organic Parsley

Parsley is easy to get and upgrades your meal with lots of essential oils and Vitamin C. It relieves cramps and promotes digestion.

Upgrade with Superfoods: Curcuma/Turmeric

Turmeric is great against all kinds of allergies. Curcuma contains highly effective ingredients like Curcumin and Gingerol, as well as bioactive substances like essential oils and vitamins, minerals, trace elements, Tannins and Phytochemicals such as Flavonoids and Alkaloids. Curcuma is anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-carcinogenic, anti-allergic and de-acidifying. 

Curcuma is supposed to be the most efficient Upgrade with Superfoods in Ayurveda. It works best, if Curcuma has been heated in Ghee or seed oil (1 teaspoon to 3-4 tablespoon of Ghee). Prepare a big glas at home and take a small amount with you in a small glas with a screw lid. Add it to hot meals or drinks of any kind. 

Kurkuma - Curcuma

Photo Pexels by Karl Solano

Add Pepper

Pepper is highly digestive. and best when freshly grinded. Take your own pepper mill with you. They make heavy food items like cheese, fish, meat, eggs, bread and cakes easier to digest. Iron and Piperine are the main ingredients, which are stimulating metabolism. It is also an aphrodisiac and dissolves mucus and waste products in the body. Furthermore it is immun modulative. If possible, add pepper in every meal.

Add cloves

Cloves are slightly spicy and have their own unique taste. They can be used with compote, rice and vegetables. They are anti-inflammatory, perfect for upset stomachs as well as inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, teeth and gums. An Upgrade with Superfoods like cloves bring a big amout of etheric oils to your meal, which have a desinfectant effect, relieves pain, dissolves waste products and promotes digestive power. Cloves contain many Vital substances such as calcium, potassium, iron and vitamin C. 

Gewürznelken - cloves

Photo Pexels by Irina P

Add Cinnamon

Cinnamon has been known as a spice for thousands of years and was used to embalm mummies in ancient Egypt. The organic Ceylon cinnamon is the best. Cook the powder or a whole cinnamon stick in tea, porridge or soups. Cinnamon has a warming, digestive and metabolism-stimulating effect. Cinnamon also lowers cholesterol and blood sugar. The essential oils cleanse, loosen mucus, have an antioxidant effect and relieve cramps. 

Ideal for colds, obesity and slagging with Ama. Essential oils such as polyphenols as well as copper, manganese, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, sulfur and some B vitamins make cinnamon particularly valuable.

Upgrade with Superfoods: Unrefined Rocksalt

Use unrefined rocksalt as often as possible, as it contains all vital substances like minerals and trace minerals, which our body needs for metabolism, digestion and detox. Rock salt, like the Himalaya salt, contains more minerals and trace elements than sea salt, which contains more iodine. This is an Upgrade with Superfoods, which is so easy to practice in daily life with maximum benefit for your health.  

Natural sweeteners

Sugar from natural sources is always preferable to white unrefined sugar. Sweetness balances acidity and is therefore an important one Food that we should always have in small quantities in our meals. It’s best to use NATURAL SWEETENERS such as syrup or syrup from plants such as pears, dates and maple. Birch sugar from the bark of birch trees and other tree species also has health-promoting effects, such as strengthening teeth and bones.